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encountered during drilling were submitted for the following geophysical analyses: falling head <br /> permeability, percent moisture, porosity, dry bulk density, soil pH, percent organic content <br /> and carbon to nitrogen to phosphorus (C:N:P) ratios. . Also, grab groundwater samples were <br /> field monitored for oxidation-reduction .potential and submitted for laboratory analysis of <br /> �. carbon dioxide, alkalinity, nitrate, sulfate, and ferrous iron. Soil vapor samples were <br /> submitted for laboratory analysis of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and methane. <br /> Laboratory data sheets and chain-of-custody documentation for soil and groundwater are <br /> included in Appendix III and IV, respectively. <br /> 3.0 GROUNDWATER MONITORING <br /> 3.1 Third Quarter 1996 <br /> 'r Smith Technology personnel performed the third quarter 1996 groundwater monitoring of <br /> monitoring wells MWI, MW2 and MW3 on September 25, 1996. Field work consisted of <br /> measuring depth-to-water levels in all wells and collecting groundwater samples from all wells <br /> and submitting groundwater samples for laboratory analysis. <br /> Groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells MW-1, MW-2, and MW-3. Prior <br /> to collection of groundwater samples a minimum of three well casing volumes were purged. <br /> The depth-to-water, pH, electrical conductivity, temperature and redox potential (Eh) were <br /> measured and allowed to stabilize before groundwater samples were collected. Samples were <br /> +r then collected .from each well using disposable bailers. Purge water was contained in 55 <br /> gallon DOT approved drums. Purge water from monitoring well MW-1 from the previous <br /> L, sampling event did not contain detectable concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons and was <br /> discharged to the ground surface. <br /> L.. <br /> The groundwater samples collected from each well were submitted with Chain of Custody <br /> Record to State-certified GeoAnalytical Laboratories, Inc. of Modesto, California on <br /> September 25, 1996 for analysis of TPHg, and BTEX, and MTBE utilizing EPA methods <br /> 801518020. ' In addition, the groundwater samples were analyzed by GeoAnalytical for <br /> dissolved oxygen, ferrous iron, nitrate, sulfate, total alkalinity, and carbon dioxide. Dissolved <br /> oxygen and carbon dioxide were analyzed on an immediate-turn-around-time basis. <br /> Groundwater well purge and sample logs are provided in Appendix II. <br /> w:195122TIumerpt 5 <br /> r <br /> F SMTN <br />