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, <br /> ( WkTc <br /> A S S O C I A T E S I N C <br /> tom./ <br /> stratigraphy to be characterized. The CPT boring was advanced to refusal at approximately 58 <br /> feet bgs. <br /> Following characterization of the subsurface material, a Hydropunch° type groundwater <br /> sampling system was advanced into the subsurface approximately 2 feet north of the initial CPT <br /> boring location to collect depth discrete soil and groundwater samples. oBased on the <br /> stratigraphic profile indicated in the initial CPT sound boring, the Hydropunch sampler was <br /> advanced to 19 feet bgs and the push rods were retracted exposing a stainless steel filter screen to <br /> the formation allowing for groundwater infiltration. A groundwater sample was collected by <br /> lowering a stainless steel bailer inside the hollow push rods. The groundwater collected inside <br /> the bailer was transferred to laboratory supplied containers that were placed in a cooler chilled <br /> with ice for subsequent delivery to a State-certified analytical laboratory. After the collection of <br /> the first water sample, the soil sampler was attached to the hydropunch rods and advanced to 25 <br /> feet bgs to collect a soil sample from a relatively thick interval of clayey silt separating the upper <br /> and lower water bearing zones. After the collection of the soil sample, the Hydropunch® sampler <br /> was then advanced to 52 feet bgs where the next sand intervals were encountered to collect a <br /> water sample from the second water bearing zone. The discrete groundwater and soil samples <br /> collected from 19 feet bgs (CPT1-W19), 25 feet bgs (CPT1-S25) and 52 feet bgs (CPT1-W52) <br /> were placed in a cooler chilled with ice for transport to the analytical laboratory. <br /> 2.2 Sample Analysis <br /> Selected soil samples were placed on ice, and transported under chain-of-custody to Argon <br /> Laboratories Inc. (ELAP #2359) of Ceres, California for analysis. Soil samples were analyzed <br /> for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg), and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and <br /> xylenes (BTEX) utilizing EPA 8015B and 8021B methodologies, respectively, and for oxygenate <br /> ` fuel additives utilizing EPA 8260B methodology. The analytical results for soil samples are <br /> summarized in Table 1. Laboratory data sheets and chain-of-custody documentation are included <br /> ti <br /> in Appendix B. <br /> The groundwater samples from borings GPI, GP2, GP3, and CPT1 were analyzed by Argon <br /> y Laboratories for TPHg, and BTEX by EPA methods 801513/8021B. The groundwater samples <br /> were also analyzed for methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) and oxygenate fuel additives by EPA <br /> method 8260B. Groundwater analytical results are summarized in Table 2, and laboratory data <br /> sheets are presented in Appendix B. <br /> 3.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS <br /> r <br /> 3.1 Geology <br /> Tracy, California, is located in San Joaquin County and lies on the west flank of the large <br /> northwest trending asymmetrical structural trough called the Central Valley, adjacent to the <br /> Sierra-Nevada geomorphic provinces. The Central Valley contains a thick sequence of sediment <br /> L that in places reaches a depth of approximately 10 miles bgs. These sediments range in geologic <br /> s:\17861\reports\sum2004.doc 4 <br /> V <br />