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V <br /> Y.d <br /> T C <br /> A S S O C I A T E S I N C <br /> t✓ <br /> age from Jurassic (205 million years before present) to Recent (present time) and include both <br /> marine and continental deposits. <br /> The subsurface geology encountered at the Geoprobe® borings GP1, GP2, and GP3 generally <br /> consisted of clay, silt, and sand from the ground surface to a depth of approximately 16 feet bgs, <br /> the maximum depth explored. Clay was encountered in each boring from the surface to <br /> approximately 6 feet bgs. Sandy Silts were logged from the sample interval of 9 to 11 feet bgs in <br /> each boring. Each boring had sand with varying amount of silt and/or gravel from depths <br /> between 14 to 16 feet bgs. Gregg's stratigraphic interpretation of the CPT data indicate variable <br /> layers of clayey silt and silt were encountered from approximately 5 feet bgs to approximately 12 <br /> feet bgs. Alternating intervals of sandy silt, clayey silt, clay, and sand was encountered from <br /> approximately 12 feet bgs to 21 feet bgs. A relatively thick sequence of alternating intervals of <br /> silt, clayey silt, silty clay, and clay were encountered from approximately 21 feet bgs to 47 feet <br /> bgs and was underlain by alternating layers of sand and gravelly sand to approximately 57.9 feet <br /> bgs. A copy of Gregg's Presentation of Cone Penetration Test Data is included in Appendix C. <br /> 3.2 Hydrogeology <br /> V <br /> Water level measurements were collected from groundwater monitoring wells MW-1 through <br /> MW-6 during the first quarter 2004. The depth to water ranged from 7.58 to 9.28 feet below top <br /> �.� of well casing elevation. Assuming that horizontal isotropic conditions prevail, groundwater in <br /> the uppermost aquifer beneath the site flowed in a northerly direction. The average hydraulic <br /> gradient on January 12, 2004, was calculated to be approximately 0.003 ft/ft or approximately 16 <br /> feet/mile. The data indicate a groundwater gradient that is generally consistent with previous <br /> groundwater gradients observed at the site. <br /> 4.0 ANALYTICAL RESULTS <br /> 4.1 Soil Analytical Results <br /> r <br /> Soil samples collected from borings GP2, GP3, and CPT1 contained no detectable concentrations <br /> of TPHg, BTEX, or oxygenate fuel additives. The soil sample collected from boring GP1 at <br /> approximately 10.5 feet bgs contained concentrations of TPHg, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes at <br /> 7.0 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg), 0.052 mg/kg, and 0.14 mg/kg, respectively. No other <br /> analytes were detected in these samples. No TPHg, BTEX, or fuel oxygenates were detected in <br /> V <br /> the sample collected from boring GPI at 15.5 feet bgs. Analytical results of soil samples are <br /> summarized in Table 1. <br /> 4.2 Groundwater Analytical Results <br /> r, The groundwater samples collected from borings GPI and GP2 contained detectable <br /> concentrations of TPHg and BTEX. The groundwater sample collected from boring GP3 <br /> ..i contained no detectable concentrations of TPH or BTEX. The groundwater sample from boring <br /> CPT1 at approximately 19 feet bgs contained detectable concentrations of TPHg and BTEX. The <br /> sAl786 Rreportslsum2004.doc 5 <br /> v <br />