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Surface and Subsurface Contamination Report ******* APN: 24R-220-T7 7 **' '*Parcel Nos. 1, 2,&3 <br /> From 29 to 33 inches depth,the soil is brown in color, very hard and firm, sticky <br /> and plastic with few fine roots. <br /> From 33 to 60 inches dept the soil is brown in It is 75 to 90 percent silica- <br /> cemented within the matrix. <br /> EXETER SANDY LOAM <br /> Depth Liquid Plasticity Percent Permeability Shrink- <br /> (In-Inches) Material Limit Index Clay (Inches/Hour) Swell <br /> 0" -26" Sandy Loam 15-25 NP—10 10-20 0.6-2.0 Low <br /> 26"- 33" Sandy Clay Loam, 25 —40 10 - 20 18 - 30 0.6 - 2.0 Moderate <br /> Clay Loam,Loam <br /> 3331-6015 Clay --------- ------ ------------ <br /> DBCP& NITRATE CONCENTRATIONS& UNDERGROUND TANKS DATA <br /> Maps entitled"DBCP and Nitrate—Land Use"available in the Environmental <br /> Health Department's office were consulted and contained the following chemical <br /> concentrations in the area of the subject property: <br /> No DBCP samples were taken in the area of the subject property; so no <br /> concentrations of this chemical have been determined in this area. <br /> The subject property is in an area known to contain<20 parts per million Nitrate <br /> (NO3). The State Standard for safe drinking water that has been established for Nitrates <br /> (NO3)is 45 mg/L. <br /> A binder entitled"Underground Tank Site Mitigation Database List" also <br /> available in the Environmental Health Department's office was consulted and no <br /> underground tanks were listed in the binder for the subject property. <br /> DBCP,Nitrates and underground tanks do not appear to be significant <br /> contamination contributors to the subject property. <br /> Mitigation Measures: A limited number of animals were found on the subject property, <br /> so no excessive nitrate concentrations are anticipated from animal overpopulation. Also <br /> the San Joaquin County Environmental Department's"Nitrate--Land Use Map" <br /> concentrations do not indicate an undue concern over nitrate pollution. No correction for <br /> excess nitrate concentration is recommended j <br /> No chemical residues or spillage of hazardous material or improper storage was I <br /> noted. <br /> The San Joaquin County Agricultural Commissioner's Office report revealed that <br /> the property owner has applied no chemicals on the subject property to produce <br /> agricultural crops. So no chemical pollution is anticipated from agricultural use. j <br /> Tna T. rhitra Tr ------l(UQU T1istra T.nne.-----(Ink lata-----ralifnrnin 95 iFil fi <br />