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RA <br /> 3.6 Discussion of General Area Septic Tank Repair History: Repair history of the septic tanks in this <br /> area reveals that the leach lines and seepage pits have resulted in consistent performance. There are no <br /> _ unusual failures. <br /> 3.7 Description of Proposed or Expected Maximum (including second unit dwellings) septic tank <br /> usage on site. Once the property is developed, a septic system will be required. The system will be <br /> designed to County standards. <br /> R • 4.0 GROUNDWATER INFORMATION SECTION: <br /> F4.1 Description of the depth and gradient of groundwater in the general area: The depth to ground <br /> water in this area is approximately 120 feet according to the map of"Lines of Equal Depth to <br /> Groundwater" published Spring, 1999, by the San Joaquin County Flood Control and Water <br /> F Conservation District. The gradient descends from east to west. <br /> 4.2 Description/Discussion of any existing and/or potential groundwater contamination issues in <br /> F the general location of the site: The concerns for groundwater contamination in this area is deemed <br /> low due to the depths involved. Insecticides,pesticides, and fertilizers typically do not impact <br /> groundwater at these depths, however, as with any agricultural area, there is always potential for <br /> F, contamination due to chemicals used in the farming operation. There was a gas station on the adjacent <br /> property that has been destroyed under permit. All soil testing and demolition was done under County <br /> permit. <br /> 4.3 Description of location, type and construction of well and location where water sample(s) were <br /> obtained: No water samples were able to be taken at the time of the percolation test. The subject parcel <br /> is located within a municipal water district. <br /> 4.4 Description of constituents being tested for in the water sample: NIA <br /> 4.5 Description of how sample was obtained, handled, stored, and transported to the lab: No <br /> samples taken, as stated above in section 4.3. <br /> 4.6 Complete Chain of Custody document, including printed and signed name of third party <br /> sampler, condition of sample and date and time the sample was submitted to the <br /> lab. For Laboratory samplers, complete laboratory report to include the above noted <br /> information: NIA <br /> 5.0 SOIL PROFILE INFORMATION SECTION: <br /> 5.1 Site map showing location, with dimensions, of the soil profile pit on the parcel: (See <br /> Appendix). <br /> 5.2 Description of soil profile pit including depth and dimensions: The shallow test hole was <br /> prepared per County Standards. The hole was excavated to a depth of 42 inches and <br /> 8 inches in diameter. The hole was backfilled with 2 inches of"pea gravel." <br /> 2 <br /> c�1f15127LSn�l R��rr nnnaru <br />