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71 <br /> Since the site has no homes located on it, the site contains no septic system or leach field. Also, <br /> there is one agricultural well. <br /> According to the owner, there are no buried tanks on the property. There are no visual signs of <br /> } <br /> any such tanks (ground settling, irregular ground, etc.). <br /> As previously stated, the majority of the site has been farmed as an orchard. Chemicals have <br /> historically been used in the farming operation. All chemicals are applied per manufacturer's <br /> F recommendations and are applied under permit(Jim Emerson, permit number 39-98-3900133). <br /> Mr. Emerson's permit is effective through December 31, 2003. (See Appendix) <br /> rThe depth to groundwater in this vicinity is approximately 80 feet. This relatively deep <br /> groundwater does not typically become severely impacted by pesticides, insecticides, or <br /> F. fertilizers. The types of products used on this site are consistent with the surrounding property. <br /> - According to the Iand owner, there are no known pesticide containers buried on the property. A <br /> visual inspection did not produce any evidence of buried containers. The field investigation also <br /> F did not yield any unusual (noxious) odors. <br /> Conclusion and Recommendation <br /> F <br /> Based on visual observation, County records from the San Joaquin County Agriculture <br /> Commissioner's Office, the San Joaquin County Contaminated Site List, and testimony of the <br /> property owners, there appears to be no surface contamination. Given the scope of this study, <br /> the probability of subsurface contamination should be considered low and normal to this region. <br /> Since additional ground water testing will be done in conformance with the Soils Suitability <br /> F Report, no additional study is recommended at this time. Based on visual observations, no <br /> corrective action is necessary at this time. <br /> rAccording to the property owners, they have farmed the property for man ears and plan to <br /> -- P P Y Y Y <br /> continue farming. A new home is proposed on the 2.0 acre parcel. In the future, further <br /> groundwater testing could be performed and should be considered in designing a domestic well. <br /> As a precaution, soil testing could be performed at that time. These recommendations do not <br /> imply there are contaminants. <br /> r <br /> F <br /> r <br /> F2 <br /> FCASurface and Subsurface Report 020703 <br />