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SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY <br /> COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT <br /> 181-0 E.HAIELTON AVE..STOCKTON,CA 95205.6252 <br /> PHONE:MD,4e6-3121 EAX:2091A66-5169 <br /> July 24, 2007 <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> TO: Planning Commission <br /> FROM: Kerry Sullivan kc /7 <br /> SUBJECT: Request for continuance for PA-0600609 <br /> The Community Development Department received the attached request from Marge <br /> Imfeld that Site Approval application No. PA-0600609 of Arvin and Theresa Boersma c/o <br /> Ripon Farm Service be continued from the scheduled hearing date of August 16, 2007, <br /> to September 20, 2007. Marge Weld is a spokesperson for the opposition. She and her <br /> husband will be out of the country on August 161" and September 61h. They have a <br /> PowerPoint presentation that they would like to present in person. <br /> The Site Approval was tentatively scheduled for April 19, 2007, but that date was moved <br /> to May 3, 2007. The Site Approval is continued from the meetings of May 3, and July 5, <br /> 2007, with the hearing open. <br /> The Site Approval is for an agricultural chemical sales establishment to be built in two <br /> phases. Phase 1 is to include an 11,250 square foot shop, a 25,000 square foot <br /> warehouse, a 14,000 square foot storage building, and a 14,000 square foot cement pad <br /> for fertilizer tanks. Phase 2 is to include a 14,000 square foot warehouse and a railroad <br /> spur (Use Type: Agricultural Sales-Agricultural Chemical Sales). The store will be open <br /> 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday and 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Saturday. <br /> There will be 20 full-time employees. <br /> The project is located on the south side of French Camp Road, 2000 feet northwest of <br /> State Route 120, east of Manteca (Supervisorial District 4). <br /> KS:rg <br /> MemoRegforcontPA-0600609(SA) <br />