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J Building 5: 3,500 square foot group care facility(number of beds to be determined). <br /> • Building 6: 4,500 square foot transition facility(sleeping quarters only). <br /> • Building 9: 2,025 square foot dual diagnosis facility for medical/drug and alcohol treatment analysis. <br /> In order to conform to the maximum number of 84 beds permitted for the 1.4076cre parcel (Development <br /> Title Section 9-115.115[d]), the combined number of beds for only Phase II may not exceed a combined <br /> total of 34. <br /> Accessory Uses & Special Events <br /> The applicants are proposing to conduct pow-wows for residents of the group home and the residents' <br /> family members. The meditation area designated on the Site Plan will be used by residents of the group <br /> care facility and during special ceremonies. Any additional large-scale ceremonies that include the <br /> outside public(other than the residents' family members)will require the applicant to obtain an approved <br /> Special Event Improvement Plan. A maximum of four(4)special events may be permitted annually . <br /> (Development Title 9A 10.4). <br /> Loss of Agricultural Land <br /> According to the San Joaquin Important Farmland Map(Department of Conservation), the land proposed <br /> for development is classified as Prime Farmland. The loss of approximately ten (10) acres of prime <br /> farmland is considered a significant loss of agricultural land. By providing one of the following mitigation . <br /> measures listed below, this impact can be reduced to less than significant: <br /> -.� 1. By providing water supply for agriculture <br /> 2. By assisting agriculturists in developing restoration and conservation projects. <br /> 3. By purchasing and combining smaller parcels to make agriculture more viable. <br /> 4. By conducting or funding flood plain restoration projects that benefit agriculture. <br /> 5. By developing or funding buffer zones between urban development and agricultural land. <br /> 6. By improving levees to protect agricultural land from flooding. <br /> 7. By conducting or funding erosion control projects that benefit agriculture. <br /> 8. By clustering development of the'Projecr to support efficient use of agricultural lands. <br /> 9. By conducting or providing funding for techniques that increase production by identifying new <br /> processes, new techniques, or new crop potential on heretofore-limited agricultural production <br /> lands, i.e., converting grazing land to vineyards. <br /> 10. By conducting or funding programs that identify best agriculture management practices to <br /> increase efficiencies, such as land adjacent to wetlands, and potentially bring more agricultural <br /> land into production. <br /> San Joaquin County PA-03-164\Cabral, et al <br /> Community Development - - Page 4 <br />