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%P, McDowell&Davis Towing <br /> Geoprobe Soil Boring&Revised Risk <br /> Assessment and Conceptual Site Model Report <br /> Page: 7 <br /> %.ftw the vapor infiltration through the building foundation / floor and mixing with the <br /> indoor air. Cracks in the foundation/ flooring are estimated at I percent with a 20 air <br /> " volumes exchanges per day. Subsurface soil contaminant concentrations are assumed <br /> to remain constant without biodegradation with a constant rate of volatilization over <br /> the exposure period. These assumptions have the effect of making the exposure <br /> estimation for indoor air exposure extremely conservative. <br /> The facility is composed of a fenced compacted fill yard cover with an asphalt surface <br /> for use as parking lot. A small cement slab on grade cinder block building is present <br /> at the rear of the property. The property is currently used as an auto storage yard for <br /> a local towing company. The building is used as a vehicle maintenance shop and an <br /> office for the towing company where dispatch orders and vehicle impoundment and <br /> release documents are processed. <br /> V <br /> 5.0 ASTM - RBCA RISK BASED CORRECTIVE ACTION EVALUATION <br /> The ASTM—RBCA model calculates exposures to selected contaminates based on the <br /> route of exposure and site conditions. Factors included in the model include attenuation <br /> fto due to vapor or groundwater migration or outdoor exposures, contaminant concentration <br /> due to indoor exposures, and duration of exposure controlled by the use of or proposed <br /> use of the property or location of the identified receptor. Locals used for commercial <br /> 4 purposes will have a lesser daily exposure than residential locals. Model site-specific <br /> parameters are shown in Appendix D. <br /> Lifetime cancer risks are estimated through the calculation of a chronic daily intake and <br /> the determination of the added probability of incurring cancer through long-term <br /> exposures. Acceptable risk levels for exposures to carcinogens have been established at I <br /> in 1,000,000 (LOE-6). System toxicants are evaluated through a hazard quotient, which <br /> compares the calculated chemical intake against an established reference dose. Hazard <br /> quotients greater than 1 indicate possible non-carcinogenic effects in sensitive <br /> populations. <br /> Potential risk from onsite indoor air commercial exposures to contaminated vapors from <br /> subsurface soil and contaminated groundwater were calculated as 7.4E-8, carcinogenic <br /> risk / 4.2E-3 hazard quotient for benzene, 1.2E-1 hazard quotient for ethyl benzene, 2.6 <br /> +i E-2 hazard quotient for MTBE, 5.2E-3 hazard quotient for Toluene, and 6.5E-4 hazard <br /> quotient for xylenes. It should be noted that the estimated cancer risk for benzene (7.4E- <br /> 8) and the hazard quotient for xylenes (6.5E-4) do not exceed the acceptable onsite <br /> +- indoor air commercial exposures to contaminated vapors from subsurface soil and <br /> contaminated groundwater for benzene (8.3E-6) and the hazard quotient for xylenes <br /> (LOE-0). <br />