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y ..i <br />July 2, 2003 <br />NOA ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT NUMBER LE03-161 <br />L <br />The chemical "Diphacin 0.005%" that was applied to the property in 2002 was investigated further. <br />Diphacinone, the proper name of the aforementioned chemical is listed by University of Davis <br />6. ExToxNet website as being highly toxic. However, the chemical has a low potential of leaching into <br />soil and decomposes rapidly in water by sunlight. <br />6- F. Water Supply and Sewage Disposal System <br />The San Joaquin County Environmental Health Division (EHD) was contacted in an effort to obtain <br />copies of permits for any water wells or septic tanks on the subject property. NOA staff reviewed <br />the files at EHD. According the search, there are no records for water well a nr sPntic tanks on the <br />sub !e ropertv_ however, it was noted that this does not mean that the wells and/or septic tanks do <br />not exist. <br />` G San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District <br />The San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District (SJVUAPCD) was contacted in an <br />` effort to obtain information as to whether any agricultural burn permits have been issued for the <br />subject property. Ms. Karen Morris of the SJVUAPCD states that the SJVUAPCD has no records <br />on file for the address of the subject property. <br />H California Integrated Waste Management Board <br />The Solid Waste Information System (SWIS) database is maintained by the California Integrated <br />Waste Management Board (CIWMB). The SWIS database contains an inventory of solid waste <br />disposal facilities or landfills. These may be active or inactive facilities or open dumps that failed to <br />meet RCRA Section 2204 criteria for solid waste landfills or disposal sites. The SWIS database list <br />was searched for a reference to the subject property and for sites located within one-quarter mile of <br />the subject property. <br />Our review of the SWIS database online (http://www.ciwmb.c&gov&,andfllsl) on June 9, 2003 noted <br />that the subject property does not appear on the SWIS database at this time. The SWIS database lists <br />no (0) sites that are within one-quarter mile radius of the subject property. <br />