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%- . 1-W <br />July 2, 2003 <br />NOA ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT NUMBER LE03-161 <br />V. HISTORICAL USE INFORMATION <br />h. <br />` A. Recorded Land Title Records <br />y A chain of title report was not provided or requested by the client for NOA's use in preparing this <br />report. <br />` B. Aerial Photographs <br />Aerial photographs depicting the subject property dated 1937, 1952, 1963, 1975 and 1983 were <br />` reviewed at the San Joaquin County Surveyor's Office in Stockton, California. <br />1937 - The subject property and all of the properties surrounding the subject property are agricultural <br />i` land. Carter and Henry Roads are apparent. <br />1952 - No significant changes were discernible from the 1937 photograph, described above. <br />L <br />1963 - No significant changes were discernible from the 1937 photograph, described above. <br />L 1975 - No significant changes were discernible from the 1937 photograph, described above. <br />1983 - No significant changes were discernible from the 1937 photograph, described above. <br />C. USGS Topographic Maps <br />` The topographic quadrangle depicting the subject property is the U.S. Geological Survey, <br />Farmington, California, 7.5 minute Series (topographic) quadrangle map. The Famtington quadrangle <br />` was available from the years of 1953 and 1968. <br />1953 - The subject property is a portion of the northeast 1/4 of Section 2, Township 1 South, Range <br />` 9 East. The subject property's elevation ranges from 130 feet to 150 feet above mean sea -level and <br />consists of rolling hills. There is nothing depicted on the subject property. Carter and Henry Roads <br />are depicted, delineating the north and east boundaries, respectively. An intermittent stream is <br />` depicted to the south, which merges with another depicted to the west. The resulting stream flows <br />to the southwest. <br />h. 1968 - No significant changes were discernible from the 1953 edition, described above. <br />L <br />