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July 2, 2003 <br />NOA ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT NUMBER LE03-161 <br />of the ranch. Between the garden and the equipment are two piles of fill material (see Photograph <br />8). One pile is sand; the other is gravel. This fill material is used for ongoing landscaping projects, <br />r. specifically the construction of a retaining wall separating the residential area from the cow pasture <br />(see Photograph 9). Within the barn, light amounts of chemicals and paints are stored (see <br />Photograph 10). <br />VIII. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS <br />The subject property is used as a residence and cow pasture. The residence was built in the year <br />2000. Fill material is being stored on the subject property. The fill material is for current and future <br />6. landscaping projects around the residence and was purchased from a local supplier. There is a healthy <br />looking garden and a barn as well. There are two wells on the subject property, one for agricultural <br />use, the other for the residence. The agricultural well is pumped by a diesel engine. There is a diesel <br />` aboveground storage tank for the aforementioned engine. The AST is placed on a concrete pad that <br />is clean and without the appearance of ever having been leaked upon. There is evidence that <br />diphacinone has been applied to areas near the irrigation berms, a total of 25 acres. Diphacinone is <br />., a highly toxic chemical; however, it has a low potential for leaking into soil and readily breaks down <br />in water by sunlight. There is one transformer on the subject property. The transformer appears <br />clean and without leaks. A blue "PCB free" sticker was not observed. <br />IX. RECOMMENDATIONS <br />` All of NOA's recommendations are made with the express condition that they be carried out in <br />compliance with all Federal, State and Local laws and regulations. <br />NOA recommends that the owner of the transformer be contacted and queried as to whether the oil <br />within the transformer contains PCBs. If PCBs are present the transformer should be tested for leaks <br />and age-related weaknesses. <br />L^ <br />