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%-.01 --of <br />July 2, 2003 <br />NOA ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT NUMBER LE03-161 <br />VI. INTERVIEWS <br />An attempt was made to obtain historical as well as current information relative to the subject <br />property from the property owner or key site manager of the property. The objective of the interview <br />process is to obtain information indicating recognized environmental conditions in connection with <br />the proposed project site. An Environmental Questionnaire and Disclosure Statement was completed <br />by Mr. Keith O. DeRousse, the owner of the property, for use by NOA for this report. The <br />following is a synopsis of information gleaned from the questionnaire. A copy of the responses have <br />been included in this report as Appendix D. <br />V <br />The DeRousses bought the property in 1992 from T. Rampoldi, who owned the property for five <br />years. The property's uses are described as home and pasture land consisting of 88 acres. There are <br />no other past uses of the property. The subject property is serviced by a wA na dAcp istem s The <br />current house was built in 2000- The project engineer's name and phone number are: Mike <br />Quartaroli, (209) 239-4908. The ranches dimensions are 2600 by 1600, units are presumed to be <br />r. feet. There is one 500 gallon aboveground diesel tank currently in operation on the subject property. <br />VII. SITE VISIT/ASSESSMENT <br />A visual reconnaissance of the subject property was conducted prior to the compilation of this report. <br />Photographs of the subject property are attached to this report as Appendix A. A site <br />visit/assessment checklist is attached to this report as Appendix C. <br />` The subject property is located on the southwest corner of Carter Road and South Henry Road, <br />southwest of Farmington, San Joaquin County, California. The subject property is a rectangular <br />parcel, excepting the northwest comer, consisting of approximately 88 acres. The majority of the <br />` land is used as cow pasture land (see Photograph 2). About one third of the width of the property <br />from the east, along the south border, are the residence, barn, wells, garden and equipment storage <br />area. This area is serviced by an access road that runs along the south border to the east, connecting <br />6. with South Henry Road. <br />The residence was built in 2000. Landscaping projects around the house are ongoing. West of the <br />residence is a well -kept, healthy -looking garden (see Photograph 3). A barn is located to the <br />southwest of the residence. To the east of the barn is a propane tank, servicing the residence (see <br />Photograph 4). East of the propane tank is a utility pole with a transformer on it (see Photograph <br />5). The transformer appears old but clean and without leaks. A blue "PCB free" sticker was not <br />observed on the transformer. Two wells are located on either side of the barn, one on the east, one <br />on the west. The agricultural well (west) is powered by a diesel engine (see Photograph 6). There <br />is a 500 gallon aboveground diesel tank supporting the engine for this well. North of the agricultural <br />well heavy equipment is stored (see Photograph 7); the equipment appears necessary for the upkeep 12 <br />k. <br />