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Amended Workplan for n/Jerni an - 03/20/98 Page 2 of 2 <br /> ONE PROPOSED BOREHOLE <br /> The proposed work encompasses a 40 foot deep borehole utilizing an eight inch <br /> diameter hollow stem auger which will be continuously sampled from a depth of 20 <br /> to 40 feet below ground surface (see figures map views and cross sections for <br /> relative borehole location). A minimum of five samples will be collected and <br /> analyzed for TPHg/BTEX/MTBE constituents and TCLP leachability. The goal will be to <br /> establish a decreasing trend in benzene concentrations with depth so that the <br /> deepest sample confirms a non-detectable concentration. The borehole will be <br /> extended to greater depths if obvious contamination is still evident during the <br /> drilling and sampling process. <br /> SOIL SAMPLING <br /> All drilling and soil sampling procedures stipulated in the approved workplan will <br /> be followed for the work necessary to complete the proposed borehole. <br /> CONTINGENCY FOR ENCOUNTERING GROUNDWATER <br /> Based on the well survey performed, the possibility of encountering groundwater, is <br /> at best, remote. If perched groundwater is encountered, however, a determination <br /> will be made in the field to establish if it is productive enough to be considered a <br /> "Water of the State." If the perched water is determined to be a local anomaly, then <br /> a groundwater grab sample will be collected according to the procedures <br /> established in the approved workplan. If a viable groundwater resource is <br /> encountered, the borehole will be converted to a standard groundwater monitoring <br /> well (see generalized well construction detail), after the client's approval. If a <br /> monitoring well is installed, the well would be properly purged and developed and <br /> water sampling would be performed after the groundwater had stabilized several <br /> days later. A water level measurement would then be performed and the water <br /> sample would be collected with a stainless steel check valve bailer after three <br /> consecutive readings of temperature, conductivity, and pH are within a 10% <br /> difference. Samples would be analyzed for TPHg/BTEX/MTBE. <br /> DISPOSAL OF SOIL CUTTINGS, WATER RINSi:ATE, AND MONITORING WELL PURGE <br /> WATER <br /> All soil and water wastes will be place in 55 gallon drums and properly labeled for <br /> laboratory profiling and transport to a legal point of disposal. <br />