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© - 8 GeoSo1Vp f.LC- fydr®geologic ltavest�gatlon for Nunan ego-a9 VO <br /> 217-- LOCA'ON AMD [C-SC ver ON <br />' The subject site is located in downtown Lockeford, CA(See Figure 2 gar Site 0acuflen <br /> Map). It was previously used as a gasoline service station which housed four pump <br /> 1 dispensers with associated piping, three gasoline USTs, and one waste oil UST. <br /> Most of the site is covered by asphalt except for the concrete slab under the <br /> building and in the vicinity of the former dispenser islands. The site is basically flag <br /> 1 and surface drainage appears to flow to the alley way at the south end of the <br /> property. <br /> VIOr2a A f ar s 0ya'-aD <br /> Potential groundwater monitoring well locations were marked at the site in white <br /> paint. Underground Service Alert was contacted prior to drilling. Each soil boring <br /> location was screened with a magnetometer and was then hand angered to a <br /> depth of 5 feet bgs prior to excavation with the auger drill rig to avoid damage to <br /> the high density of underground piping and utility lines. The soil boring locations <br /> were placed onsite and outside the perimeter of the previously encountered soil <br /> contamination. The soil boring location for MW-2 had to be moved further to the <br /> east to avoid an overhead power line adjacent to a previously unmarked PG&E gas <br /> line. <br /> Three (3) soil borings were excavated and converted into groundwater monitoring <br /> wells in the vicinity of the gasoline contamination identified during UST removal <br /> and previous subsurface investigations. <br /> NETHOD OF ORGLLING AND SAWPUNG CF SOIL <br /> The soil borings for groundwater monitoring wells MW-1, MW-2, and MW-3 were <br /> excavated with an eight (8) inch hollow-stem auger drill,with 5-foot long sections <br /> to depths of 120 feet, 100 feet and 98 feet below ground surface (bgs), respectively. <br /> Soil samples were collected with a two (2) inch inner diameter, three (3) foot long, <br /> split spoon sampler in the upper eighty feet bgs depending upon the soil <br /> stratigraphy and contaminants encountered. Soil samples were collected with a two <br /> & one-half (2 '/s ) inch inner diameter,five (5) foot long,split spoon sampler below <br /> 80 feet bgs in MW-2 and MW-3 and 101 '/s feet bgs in MW-1 when performing <br /> continuous coring to define the thickness of the perched groundwater zone. The soil <br /> samples were obtained by the compressive force of a 140 lb hammer dropped from <br /> a height of 18 inches. The soil samples were extruded into six(6)-inch long steel <br /> sample liners. <br /> Soil within sample liners, collected from depths where there was obvious olfactory <br /> and/or visual evidence of hydrocarbon contamination,was scraped into a plastic <br /> Zip-Loc bag so that a small volume of disturbed soil could release hydrocarbon <br /> volatiles into the bag for approximately two to five minutes. A properly calibrated <br /> photo ionization detector (PID) was used to screen the soil samples, inside each <br /> bag, for the presence of gasoline constituents. Corresponding undisturbed soil <br /> samples in liners which were collected immediately adjacent to the disturbed <br /> samples with the highest PID readings,were selected for further laboratory <br /> analysis. Each soil sample collected was covered at each end of the metal cylinder <br /> with Teflon sheets, plastic end caps, and sealed with duct tape to adhere the caps <br /> 05-03_2000 Ge®Soly, LLC-flydrogeologlc lnvesiigation for Nunan Page 2 of 10 <br />