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OT/1O/% Pam _off <br /> .� Va a La(KOOvion and Des¢ri�pvo�n <br /> 4he sub'ect site i <br /> I s p®sated an downtown [L®ckeforcl, CA. pt was previously anseel <br /> ®s a gasoline service station which housed four pump dispensers with <br /> associated piping, three gasoline USTs, and one waste oil UST. Most off the <br /> site is covered by asphalt except for the concrete slab under the building and <br /> in the vicinity of the former dispenser islands. The site is basically flat and <br /> surfface drainage appears to flow vo the alley way at the rear of the property. <br /> 1.2 PcIsv ➢r�vesvic�c�vi®ns <br /> Three gasoline [SSTs were removed �roav one pit and one waste oil UST was <br /> removed from another pit on July 19, 1991. Soil sampling of the pits and soil <br /> waste stockpiles ensued immediately thereafter. The pits were backfilled <br /> with 'h inch pea gravel and the waste soil was manifested offsite by <br /> Contaminated Soil Hazardous Waste Mauler, Erickson Inc., of Richmond. 4he <br /> main indicator chemical for gasoline, benzene, was found at very pow levels <br /> in the soil (i.e. no higher than 2.3 ppm) in the vicinity of the former gasoline <br /> RASTs. No benzene was identified in the vicinity of the forever dispensers and <br /> associated piping. No PCBs air chlorinated solvents were found to be <br /> associated with the forever waste oil tank. Some metals were found; � <br /> however, none could be considered to be as risk due to Qhe low <br /> concentrations idlentigied. <br /> Geosoly, dQC paergormed a subsur%ce soip investigation and the results were <br /> reported in the September 08, 1997 subsurface investigation report. The <br /> results of the report indicated that the site had been contaminated by low <br /> levels of TPHg gasoline relative to very low levels of volitiles such as <br /> benzene. This is indicative of old gasoline which is a minimal to no threat to <br /> health health and water supplies (i.e. excluding taste and odor threshold). <br /> 1.3 give MVdJr®Ze®p®Oy <br /> The site fees within the Eastern Son Joaquint)►County Basin which has had <br /> problems with overdraft in the past. The Mokelumne River is located <br /> approximately one mile to the north and to the west of the site and the <br /> intermittent Bear Creek runs approximately 3/4 of a mile to the southeast of <br /> the site. The site lies over a deep alluvial basin composed of shallow sandy <br /> clays with a hard pan and deeper sands. Regional groundwater, in the <br /> vicinity of the site, lies at a depths below ground surface (bgs) between 89 to <br /> 117 feet bgs. Groundwater was encountered in the borehole excavated to <br /> 100 feet bgs at 96.4 feet bgs (See Viguve 1 for lithola & dross sectaon). <br />