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Site History <br /> 14000 Highway 88 Lockeford CA <br /> Time oil Property No 04-049 <br /> direction remained consistent with previously collected data, however, gradient decreased somewhat <br /> The variations In groundwater elevation and gradient were most likely due to seasonal variation <br /> Analyses Identified 3,400 ppb gasoline, 200 ppb benzene, 850 ppb toluene, 120 ppb ethylbenzene, and <br /> 560 ppb xylenes in the sample collected from MW-1(located nearest to the existing pump Islands) The <br /> sample collected from MW-3, located to the southeast of the former tank bed (downgradient), contained <br /> 1,800 ppb gasoline, 140 ppb benzene, 180 ppb toluene, 78 ppb ethylbenzene, and 260 ppb xylenes, and <br /> the sample collected from MW-4, located to the southwest of the former tank bed (sidegradient), <br /> contained 410 ppb gasoline, 65 ppb benzene, 3 6 ppb toluene, 28 ppb ethylbenzene, and 4 1 ppb <br /> xylenes The sample collected from MW-2, located to the east of the former tank bed (side gradient), <br /> was not found to contain detectable concentrations of gasoline or its constituents <br /> To date, the extent of groundwater impacts have not been defined in any direction Between the Third <br /> and Fourth Quarters of 1995, gasoline and BTEX concentrations increased slightly in MW-4, however, <br /> they decreased in MW-1 MW-2, and MW-3 The observed fluctuations in hydrocarbon concentrations <br /> were likely a result of seasonal variation in groundwater levels and/or a result of bioattenuation, however, <br /> not enough data had been collected to evaluate their significance <br /> SECOR's "Quarterly Monitoring Report - December 1996" dated February 5, 1996 was forwarded to the <br /> appropriate regulatory agencies on February 13, 1996 <br /> Workplan for Additional Soil and Groundwater Invests ation - January 1996 <br /> Based on the results of the previous Investigation, a workplan was prepared for the installation of six <br /> additional groundwater monitoring wells to define the extent of soil and groundwater impacts associated <br /> with the former underground storage tanks at the subject site On January 25, 1996, SECOR's <br /> "Quarterly Status Report and Work Plan for Additional Environmental Investigation" was forwarded to <br /> the appropriate regulatory agencies Briefly, proposed site activities consist of the following <br /> 1 Six borings would be advanced to approximately 100 feet below ground surface (or to 10 feet below <br /> first encountered groundwater) <br /> 2 Soil samples would be collected from each boring at 5-foot intervals and submitted for gasoline and <br /> BTEX analyses based on visual observation and field instrumentation readings A minimum of three <br /> samples would be submitted from each boring <br /> 3 Two-inch diameter groundwater monitoring wells would be Installed in each of the borings Each of <br /> the wells would be screened from 5 feet above to at least 10 feet below the first encountered <br /> groundwater <br /> 4 The completed wells would be developed, surveyed, and sampled <br /> Should the results of the additional investigation indicate that the extent of soil and groundwater <br /> contamination is been defined, a Problem Assessment Report would be generated Otherwise, a report <br /> containing details of the additional field activities, well construction details, and analytical results would <br /> be prepared <br />