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r <br /> Site History <br /> 14000 Highway M,I-ookeford CA <br /> Time Oil Property No 04-M <br /> 2 Soil samples would be collected from each bonng at 5-foot Intervals and submitted for analyses <br /> based on visual observation and field Instrumentation readings A minimum of three samples <br /> would be submitted from each bonng <br /> 3 In the event that groundwater is encountered, the bonng to be placed near W-8 would be <br /> Installed as a 2-Inch diameter groundwater monitoring well If needed, up to three additional <br /> groundwater monitonng wells might be installed to assist In determining the extent of Impacted <br /> groundwater All wells would be properly developed and purged pnor to the collection of <br /> groundwater samples <br /> Additional Environmental Invests ation - December 1994 <br /> While conducting field activities dunng the weeks of December 20 and 27, 1994, hydrocarbon-Impacted <br /> groundwater was encountered while attempting to define the vertical extent of sal contamination <br /> Therefore, four groundwater monitonng wells (MW-1 through MW-4) were installed and one soli bonng <br /> (SB-11) was advanced in an attempt to define the extent of contamination In both media <br /> As in previous site activities, soils encountered during dulling consisted of fine silty sands to <br /> approximately 15 feet below ground surface (bgs), this strata was underlain by fine to coarse sands to <br /> approximately 30 feet bgs Clayey silt was generally encountered at 30 feet to 35 feet while fine to <br /> coarse sands and gravelly sands were encountered to 70 feet bgs Silty clay with sandy and gravelly <br /> stringers was encountered from 70 feet bgs to the extent of each bonng Groundwater was first <br /> encountered at depth 85 feet bgs <br /> MW-1 was installed to the northeast of the currently operating pump islands, MW-2 was installed to the <br /> east of MW-1, MW-3 was installed to the southeast of the former tank bed, and MW-4 was installed to <br /> the southwest of the former tank bed (presumably downgradient) Each of the wells was constructed of <br /> 2-inch diameter PVC and screened from a depth of 65 feet bgs to 100 feet bgs Soil bonng SB-11, <br /> placed to the west of the former tank bed, could only be advanced to a depth of 78 feet bgs due to <br /> difficult drilling conditions <br /> Because the extent of shallow soil contamination was defined during earlier investigative activities, soil <br /> samples were collected only from depths of 25 feet and greater Based on field instrumentation <br /> readings, four to five soil samples from each drilling location were submitted to a laboratory and <br /> analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH) and also for benzene, toluene, <br /> ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) Gasoline was found in the samples collected from MW-1 at 35 feet <br /> (3 4 ppm), 45 feet (680 ppm), 83 feet (3 2 ppm), and 100 feet (1 6 ppm), varying concentrations of BTEX <br /> were also found In these samples Trace concentrations of benzene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (none <br /> exceeding 0 01 ppm) were also found in the samples collected from MW-2 at 45 feet, 55 feet, and 60 <br /> feet, and in the sample collected from MW-5 at 71 feet Hydrocarbons were not identified in any of the <br /> remaining samples <br /> On January 19, 1995, the groundwater monitonng wells were purged and sampled Pnor to purging, <br /> measurements were collected from each well to evaluate groundwater elevation, flow direction, and <br /> gradient During field activities, groundwater with a southeasterly flow and a hydraulic gradient of 0 13 <br /> ft/ft was encountered at 75 96 feet bgs to 86 80 feet bgs <br /> Hydrocarbons were found In groundwater samples collected from each of the monitonng wells The <br /> sample collected from MW-1 contained 5,200 ppb TPH, 200 ppb benzene, 1,100 ppb toluene, 160 ppb <br /> ethylbenzene, and 620 ppb xylenes The sample collected from MW-2 was found to contain 460 ppb <br /> TPH, 30 ppb benzene, 48 ppb toluene, 5 ppb ethylbenzene, and 30 ppb xylenes Analysis of the sample <br /> collected from MW-3 indicated 430 ppb TPH, 18 ppb benzene, 48 ppb toluene, 13 ppb ethylbenzene, <br /> 4 <br />