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IL <br /> d <br /> Site History - <br /> 14000 Highway 88,Lockeford,CA <br /> Time Oil Property No 04-049 <br /> and 70 ppb xylenes Analyses identified 100 ppb TPH, 2 3 ppb benzene, and 0 6 ppb xylenes in the <br /> sample collected from MW-4 <br /> At this time, it appears as though there may be two areas of soil contamination at the subject site one <br /> shallow and one deep It appears that the extent of shallow sod contamination has been defined and <br /> does not appear to extend much beyond the limits of the former tank bed The vertical migration of <br /> shallow sod contamination may be limited by the lens of clayey silt existing at 30 to 35 feet bgs Deeper <br /> contamination (beginning at approximately 40 feet to 45 feet bgs) appears to be present at highest <br /> concentration to the northeast of the former tank bed The extent of deeper soil contamination is fairly <br /> well defined to the northeast, southeast, and west by the samples collected during the additional site <br /> investigation, however, it may need to be further investigated to the north and south Time's records do <br /> not indicate any potential sources for the deep sod contamination noted in the vicinity of MW-1 Since <br /> this deeper contamination is some distance from the former tank bed, we believe that it may be due to <br /> an offsite hydrocarbon source <br /> The extent of groundwater contamination has not been defined in any direction and appears to extend <br /> offsite to the north, south, and east The elevated concentrations of hydrocarbons in MW-1 and MW-2 <br /> (both sidegradient of the former tanks), suggest that an offsite source of hydrocarbons may be impacting <br /> the subject site <br /> Time has reviewed several reports concerning the Beacon Station located immediately to the north of <br /> the subject site It is Time's understanding that a "dry well"was once present on the southeast corner of <br /> the Beacon Station property This dry well, located immediately upgradient of MWA and MW-2, could <br /> be a potential source of contamination to deeper soils Investigation performed near a second dry well, <br />• located on the southwest portion of the Beacon property, revealed significant groundwater contamination <br /> which has not yet been defined in the downgradient direction <br /> A copy of SECOR's "Environmental Investigation Report" dated May 4, 1995, was forwarded to the <br /> approoirate requaltory agencies onf May 18, 1995 <br /> Groundwater Monitoring Report and Quarterly Status Report for_ Second Quarter 1995 <br /> Based on the results of the investigation, Time Oil implemented quarterly status reporting and quarterly <br /> groundwater monitoring <br /> On May 23, 1995, samples were collected from each of the monitoring wells at the subject site Prior to <br /> purging, the depth to groundwater in each well was measured by a representative of SECOR to assist in <br /> evaluating changes in elevation, flow direction, and gradient Groundwater was encountered at 75 40 <br /> feet to 86 62 feet below ground surface Although groundwater levels rose in some wells and fell in <br /> others since the previous sampling event, groundwater elevation decreased across the site by an <br /> average of 2 17 feet Consistent with previous findings, groundwater flow remained to the southeast with <br /> a gradient of 0 15 ft/ft <br /> Analyses identified gasoline and its constituents in groundwater samples collected from each of the <br /> monitoring wells MW-1, located nearest the existing pump islands was found to contain 9,200 ppb <br /> gasoline, 440 ppb benzene, 1,900 ppb toluene, 280 ppb ethylbenzene, and 1,100 ppb xylenes <br /> Perimeter wells MW-2, MW-3, and MW-4, located sidegradient and downgradient of the former tanks <br /> were found to contain 55 ppb to 320 ppb gasoline, 0 7 to 13 ppb benzene, as well as low concentrations <br /> Of toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes <br /> Results of the quarterly monitoring event Indicated that the extent of hydrocarbon-impacted groundwater <br /> at the site had been relatively well defined to the west, however, it remained undefined to the north, <br /> south and east of the former tank bed Hydrocarbon concentrations decreased in the perimeter wells <br /> 5 <br />