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• Remediation Activities— Fourth Quarter 2003 <br /> In August and September 1999, SECOR Installed a vapor extraction/air sparging system at the subject site to <br /> remediate hydrocarbon-Impacted soils and groundwater The vapor extraction system consists of ten wells <br /> (W-1 through W-8, MW-1 and MW-3) manifolded within the remediation compound Vapors are extracted <br /> with a blower and destroyed with a catalytic oxidizer with a destruction efficiency of at least 95% The air <br /> sparging system consists of 4 wells (AS-1 through AS-1) An air compressor is used to Introduce air Into the <br /> sparging wells, and recovered vapors are destroyed with the SVE system System operation began <br /> December 13, 1999 <br /> Due to low recovery rates, permission was obtained from San Joaquin County Public Health Services to <br /> temporarily turn off the remediation system on September 16, 2003 SECOR estimates that 38,894 pounds <br /> of hydrocarbons have been removed since system startup <br /> Future Site Activities <br /> Soil verification samples will be collected to confirm that remediation of soil and groundwater Impacts <br /> associated with the subject site has been successful Data collected during the sampling efforts will be used <br /> to generate a Site Conceptual Model to evaluate the effectiveness of remediation efforts and determine if the <br /> site qualifies for "no further action" status If the results of the Site Conceptual Model Indicate that the site <br /> qualifies for "no further action" status, SECOR will request site closure The remediation system will be <br /> restarted during Second Quarter 2003 If a rebound in hydrocarbon concentrations occurs <br /> If you have any questions regarding these matters, please do not hesitate to contact me at (206)286-4495 <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Time Oil Co <br /> Anastasia E Duarte-Wilkinson <br /> Environmental Toxicologist <br /> cc Ms Elizabeth Thayer <br /> California Regional Water Quality Control Board <br /> • letter$1cahf1404914049162 doc <br /> 2 <br />