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30 June 1995 <br /> AGE-NC-95-0101 <br /> Page 5 of 6 <br /> 4 3 RELATIVE GROUND WATER ELEVATION AND GRADIENT <br /> The relative elevation of ground water in each well was calculated by subtracting the depth to water <br /> from the surveyed casing elevation (Table 2) All wells were surveyed relative to MW-3, which was <br /> assigned an arbitrary elevation of 100 feet The relative ground water elevation ranges from 25 30 <br /> feet in MW-6 to 26 09 feet in MW4 Ground water has risen an average of 0 53 feet since the <br /> November 1994 monitoring However, a greater rise in ground water was observed in MW-5 (2 08 <br /> feet) Monitoring wells MW-5 and MW-6 continue to show a lower ground water elevation An <br /> explanation for this anomaly is not clear <br /> Figure 3 is a ground water contour map drawn without using the data from MW-5 The gradient <br /> averages approximately 0 006 ft/ft The flow direction vanes from south at the north end of the site <br /> to southwest at the west side of the site This gradient is sirrular to previous gradients <br /> 4 4 LABORATORY EVIDENCE OF HYDROCARBON-IMPACTED GROUND WATER <br /> TPH-g was detected in the grab ground water sample from boring B9 at 300 gg/l (parts per billion <br /> ppb),BTE&X were detected at concentrations of 17 ppb, 4 0 ppb, 2 1 ppb and 28 ppb, respectively <br /> Xylenes were detected in the grab groundwater sample from boring B10 at 0 83 ppb No TPH, <br /> benzene, toluene or ethyl benzene were detected in the ground water sample from boring B 10 <br /> No petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in samples collected from monitoring wells at the site on <br /> 8 May 1995 The analytical results are summarized on Table 3 The laboratory report and chain-of- <br /> custody are included in Appendix B <br /> 5.0. CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS <br />' 5 1 HYDROCARBON-FVIPACTED SOIL <br /> TPH-g was detected in boring B9 at a depth of 35 feet However, only xylenes were detected at a <br /> depth of 45 feet No hydrocarbons were detected in any other soil samples from bonngs B9 or B 10 <br /> I Impacted soil in the area of MW-2 appears to limited to a narrow zone between 35 and 45 feet A <br /> limited vapor extraction test performed at the site by GeoAudit indicated that vapor extraction may <br /> be viable alternative for remediation of contaminated soil between MW-2 and VW-1 However, prior <br />' to initiation of any soil remediation at the site, we recommend preparation of a fate and transport <br /> model using the American Petroleum Institute's SESOIL program (or similiar) to determine if <br /> remediation at the site is necessary The results of this modeling should be sub rutted with the next <br />