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site <br /> The first boring (MW-5) was drilled using a truck-mounted B-61 HDX drill rig The drill <br /> rig and two-man crew were supplied by V & W Drilling of Rio Vista, California During <br /> well completion, the borehole "squeezed" at a depth of approximately 60 feet, and the well <br /> had to be abandoned On January 14, 1994, Turner Exploration of Rancho Cordova <br /> redrilled MW-5 and drilled borings B7 and B8 Monitoring well MW-6 was drilled on <br /> January 17, 1994 by Turner Exploration A truck-mounted BK-81 drill rig was used to install <br /> these borings During drilling, auger returns were monitored for the presence of organic <br /> vapors using a photo-ionization detector (PID Thermo Environmental 580A, 10 0 eV, <br /> calibrated to isobutylene) <br />' In three of the borings, soil samples were collected ahead of the drill bit using a split-tube <br /> sampler loaded with three pre-cleaned 2-inch by 6-inch brass sleeves The samples were <br /> collected at five-foot intervals, using a 140-pound hammer to advance the sampler 18 inches <br /> The number of blows required to advance the sampler in 6-inch increments was recorded <br /> on the boring logs A continuous core sampler was used to sample boring MW-6 from 20 <br /> feet to 75 feet Samples were collected in this interval by pressing a brass tube into the core <br /> sample at the desired sample depths To avoid cross-contamination, the sampling equipment <br /> was washed in a tri-sodium phosphate (TSP) solution and rinsed twice with water prior to <br /> Ieach sampling run <br /> For each sample, both ends of the lead tube were covered with aluminum sheets, capped <br /> and sealed with tape The samples were then stored on ice and transported under chain of <br /> custody to McCampbell Analytical Inc in Pacheco, California (MAI) <br /> 3.2 Logging <br /> The continuous core was described in detail on the boring log (Appendix A) The other <br />' borings were logged by extruding soil from the middle and upper bi ass-tubes Samples were <br /> then screened for the presence of organic vapors, using a PID, and the readings were <br /> recorded on the boring logs Due to background interference, high PID readings were <br /> recorded even where no hydrocarbon odors were present in the samples <br />' 3.3 Well Completion <br /> Barings MW-5 and MW-6 were completed as groundwater monitoring wells using 2-inch <br /> diameter PVC casing with 0 020 screen from 65 to 85 feet The filter pack (#3 Lonestar <br /> I sand) was installed from 85 feet to 63 feet in MW-5 and from 85 feet to approximately 59 <br /> feet in MW-6 Bentonite chips were used to make a 3-foot plug and the wells were grouted <br />' to the surface with Portland cement Borings B-7 and B-8 were grouted horn total depth to <br /> the surface with Portland cement <br /> Ge0I0yaA-&SeNKYa LAC <br /> Loci¢ford Sema QRA 94H645 <br />