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NAME OF FACILITY ADDRESS INFORMATION <br /> Kerlinger Plant 30350 South Tracy Blvd. Soil Waste Site <br /> Tracy Tire 29425 South MacArthur RWQCB Clean Up Site <br /> RMC Pacific Materials 30350 South Tracy Blvd. UST Facility (Before 1/84) <br /> The GeoTracker map illustrates three.LUFT sites on Tracy Boulevard, downgradient in relation to <br /> the property. Based on the map scale,these three sites are one-to-two miles from the prope <br /> which make them impossible to have impacted the subject property. <br /> The Office of the State Fire Marshall was contacted for information on the two pipelines that <br /> traverse the property. Leakage or discharge information was not available from the Fire Marshall. <br /> However, the owners are listed on the documents found in Appendix D, and would be responsible <br /> for any release. <br /> The southwest corner of the property is composed of El Solyo clay loam (#156), with the remaining <br /> portion of the property soils composed of Capay clay(#118). Both soil types have a high clay <br /> content percentage which is favorable for the biochemical destruction of organic molecules and <br /> pathogens. In addition, because of this high clay content soil, a soils engineer should assess the on- <br /> site—ssiLs.I,p royide foundation recommendations if the project is approved to construct residential <br /> units on each of the eleven Parcels. <br /> IV. SITE RECONNAISSANCE AND INTERVIEWS <br /> The following site specific information was obtained from direct observations and an interview by <br /> the author of this SSCR with Mr. Kagehiro, who has completed an Environmental Questionnaire <br /> dated June 14, 2004. The Questionnaire is located in Appendix C. A final inspection of the <br /> property was conducted on July 2, 2004. <br /> The following non-hazardous materials were noted on the property: non-hazardous household <br /> materials such as a mattress and chair adjacent to South Tracy Blvd., one tire and nonhazardous <br /> discards such as wood, metal, concrete and a rusty drum that contained no liquid or residue next to <br /> the referenced concrete structure, an old farm implement next to South Tracy Blvd, and general <br /> discards such as wood, paper and metal in the extreme northeast corner of the property. No <br /> evidence of drug manufacturing or the dumping of chemicals was observed. <br /> An electrical transformer exists on the south side of the Delta-Mendota Canal and appears to have <br /> been in-place for many years. It is unknown if this transformer contains polychloride biphenyls <br /> (PCBs). Although no indication was noted of external oil leakage, if the transformer oil contains <br /> PCBs and there was a leak or explosion, it would be the responsibility of the transformer owner to <br /> mitigate environmental contamination. <br /> Page -3- <br /> Chesney Consulting <br />