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(1) Pursuant to Section 9-1510.5 of the San Joaquin County Development Title, this area is <br /> designated as a natural open space for riparian habitat and waterway protection. No development <br /> other than water dependent uses shall be permitted in this space. <br /> u. CULTURAL RESOURCES: If prehistoric archeological materials such as shell, bone, and stone <br /> artifacts of historic era cultural materials such as glass ceramics, rusted metal, and fragmented <br /> wood are found, work in the immediate vicinity of the find(s) shall immediately cease. A qualified <br /> archaeologist shall be retained to evaluate the find(s) and propose recommendations as <br /> appropriate. The discovery of prehistoric archeological materials might be encountered anywhere <br /> on the project area up to depths of 20 feet below the surface. Historic era materials would likely be <br /> found in the southwestern comer of the project area. <br /> If human remains or bones of any type are found, the stipulations set forth in Section 15064.5 of the <br /> CEQA Guidelines shall be followed. Work shall cease in the area of the find(s) until qualified <br /> individuals (County Coroner by law, in practice a qualified archaeologist or forensic anthropologist <br /> working with the local Indian community) have determined that the bone is human and <br /> archaeological in nature. If the bone is human and archaeological, the project applicant shall <br /> consult with a with a qualified archaeologist and a representative of the North Valley Yokuts group <br /> in order to ascertain appropriate treatment of the find(s). <br /> 2. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (Staff Contact Gabriel Karam, 468-3000) <br /> a. The excavation plan shall be prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer and shall include the <br /> following: <br /> (1) A detail of the access road (the first 100 feet from Mackville Road shall be paved). <br /> (2) The final grading plan/drainage provision. <br /> (3) The boundaries and quantities of excavation of each phase and direction of excavation. <br /> (4) The stockpile area for topsoil. <br /> (5) Haul route. <br /> b. The loads on all public roads shall be restricted to legal loads only. (Street and Highway Title <br /> Section 10-2350) <br /> c. A video tape of road conditions along the haul route, including, but not limited to, Mackville Road <br /> from the entrance is required prior to the start of excavation. The condition of Mackville Road and <br /> along the haul route shall be reviewed with the Department of Public Works prior to the start of <br /> excavation and prior to the beginning of each phase. <br /> d. A cash deposit or security, adjusted every five years, in the amount and form acceptable to Public <br /> Works shall be filed with the department with a guarantee that if the permittee fails, refuses, or <br /> neglects to repair, under permit, any damages to any County roads along the haul route which may <br /> result from the permittee's operation, Public Works may do the work necessary to restore County <br /> roads along the haul route to equal or better than original conditions, using the funds from said cash <br /> deposit or security. (Development Title Section 9-854.3) <br /> e. A Maintenance Agreement to ensure that Mackville Road and other roads along the haul route are <br /> maintained to a condition acceptable to San Joaquin County shall be executed by the applicant. <br /> The Maintenance Agreement shall be renewed every five years. <br /> Conditions of Approval - 5 - QX-99-2 <br />