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F�Anacceptable <br /> ONS <br /> percolation rate was achieved at adeep perc test representative of sumps in the futureal area of the Worleys's home. The shallow percolation test results reveal that very, any, efluent percolation will occur from the leachline trenches. <br /> It has generally been the policy of EHD to install seepage pits (25 ft deep max.) even when <br /> permeable strata exists at typical sump depth, but not at seepage pit depth, as was observed for this <br /> project. It will be at the discretion of EHD as to the type of deep septic system structures to be <br /> installed. <br /> Encountered hardpan at the shallower depths showed almost no permeability, thus indicating that <br /> effluent management by leachlines will be very limited. Consequently, consideration may be given <br /> to increasing the calculated size of the septic system to account for this loss of shallow permeability. <br /> This may involve installing an additional sump or seepage pit at the end of a leachline. <br /> In addition to observing impermeability of the hardpan strata, there is no question that the heavy <br /> rainfall experienced in March and April of this year, along with surrounding rice ground irrigation <br /> has also lead to the observed shallow impermeability. <br /> I appreciate the opportunity to provide this�s���iccee for you. If there should be any questions, please <br /> contact me. E ,ro 1',ON u '#i <br /> � ! p. CHFs'`r <br /> Respectfully submitted, ;,Q� �F� <br /> No. 04675 <br /> CHESNEY CONSULTING * Expires: kro.101(o <br /> vp �r <br /> �R CAL1F� <br /> Don Chesney, R.E.A. a <br /> Registered Environme tal Assessor#4675 <br /> Page -3- <br /> Chesney Consulting <br />