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(§ 4.0) LOCAL GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WATER INFORMATION <br /> (§4.1) The 1999 Lines of Equal Depth Map published by the San Joaquin County Flood Control <br /> illustrates the groundwater depth to be approximately 55 feet below ground surface(b.g.s.). The <br /> 1999 Lines of Equal Elevation Map illustrates the groundwater elevation and the directional flow <br /> to be in northeast direction under the subject property, and then turning to a northerly direction. <br /> A Well Driller's Log exists for one of the on-site domestic wells. (§ 4.2) The underground <br /> lithology specific to the subject property consists of sand, shale, clay, and gravel. There does not <br /> appear to be significant clay strata between the surface and the static water level, which may <br /> explain the propensity for nitrate contamination of the underlying groundwater. The property is <br /> not subject to 100-year flooding. Therefore, it is highly unlikely there would be surfacing of <br /> effluent from inundated conditions. <br /> (§4.3,4.4 and 4.5) The first water sample was obtained from a hose bibb next to the pressure <br /> tank of the domestic well that serves a residential structure and a farm labor mobile home at the <br /> north end of proposed Parcel 4. This hose bibb is directly south of the mobile home, while the <br /> actual well is directly west of the residential structure. A second water sample was taken from the <br /> well that serves Mr. Vander Beek's residence on proposed Parcel 1. This sample was taken from a <br /> hose bibb directly west of the pump house, directly east of the residential structure. Another <br /> domestic well exists approximately 25 feet to the east of this well; however, it is inoperable and <br /> could not be sampled. These wells and sample locations are denoted on the Tentative Map found <br /> in Appendix B. <br /> After each well was allowed to cycle three times to ensure the sampling of aquifer formation water, <br /> three VOA amber glass bottles for each well (with Sodium Thiosulfate preservative)were filled <br /> completely with water so that there was no head space. A one-half liter plastic bottle was used for <br /> the nitrate analysis from each well. (§ 4.6) The sample was placed in a cooled ice chest and <br /> transported under the attached Chain of Custody to A&L Labs in Modesto, California to be <br /> analyzed for nitrate and DBCP/EDB. <br /> Water analysis reveals high nitrate concentrations of 103 ppm for the Parcel 1 well and 58 ppm <br /> nitrate for the Parcel 4 well. The Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for nitrate (NO3) in <br /> drinking water is 45 ppm. These high concentrations can unquestionably be attributed to the <br /> intense agricultural production in this area for the past six decades. <br /> Page -4- �Ji <br /> Chesney Consulting <br />