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The following is an itemized list of hazardous waste violations that have not been <br /> addressed for D & H AUTO TECH as of November28, 2018. <br /> Open violations from December 12,2014 inspection <br /> Violation#101 - Managed a hazardous waste without a valid EPA ID number. <br /> This facility's EPA ID number is inactive. A hazardous waste generator shall not treat, store, dispose of, transport or <br /> offer for transportation, hazardous waste without an EPA ID number. Immediately contact DTSC and reactivate <br /> your EPA ID number and submit evidence to the EHD. A form has been provided. This is a repeat violation, Class <br /> II. <br /> Violation#117-Failed to report program data electronically. <br /> A submission to the California Electronic Reporting System (CERS)for the hazardous waste program has not been <br /> made. Beginning January 1, 2013, all businesses are required to submit all new(or any changes to existing) <br /> hazardous waste information online to the CERS at Be sure to include your hazardous <br /> waste activity in the Businesses Activities section in CERS in addition to any other relevant activities and required <br /> fields. This is a Class II violation. <br /> Violation#301 -Facility not maintained to minimize the release of a hazardous waste. <br /> The secondary containment for the used waste oil containers on the west side of the shop had oil spills inside of it. <br /> Facilities shall be maintained and operated to minimize the possibility of a fire, explosion, or release of hazardous <br /> waste to air, soil, or surface water which could threaten human health or the environment Immediately clean the oil <br /> spill in the secondary containment, and manage according to Title 22 hazardous waste regulations. Submit a <br /> statement and supporting documentation explaining how this waste was managed. This is a Class II violation. <br /> Violation#403 -Failed to keep hazardous waste containers closed except when adding or removing <br /> hazardous waste. <br /> An 80 gallon blue container of used oil and a 55 gallon container of used antifreeze on the west side of the shop <br /> were open during time of inspection . All hazardous waste containers shall be closed at all times except when <br /> adding or removing waste. Immediately close these containers and ensure all hazardous waste containers are <br /> closed when not adding or removing waste. This is a Class II violation. <br /> Page 3 of 3 <br />