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F. Borehole Bottom Plug <br /> I. If the borehole is drilled deeper than the well depth as determined by the Engineer. <br /> Contractor shall fill the borehole with a mixture of bentonite and sand to no more than 10 <br /> feet below and no less than 5 feet below the bottom of the well. The bentonite-sand <br /> mixture shall be allowed to set for no less than 24 hours prior to the well installation within <br /> the borehole, unless approved by the engineer. <br /> 2. The method of bottom plugplacementshall be by hydraulically pumping the grout through <br /> a tremie pipe from the bottom of the annulus upward. The rate of materials placement <br /> shall not exceed 1-1/2 feet per minute, as measured by a sounding line, and placement <br /> shall proceed without interruption until completion,unless approved by the Engineer. <br /> 3.2 WELL DEVELOPMENT <br /> A. General: Between 24 and 48 hours of emplacement of the grout(cement)seal,Contractor shall <br /> begin development of the well in conformance with the following Specifications. Tile <br /> Contractor shall furnish all materials. equipment,and labor required to develop the well <br /> B. Initial development: <br /> 1. Residual drilling fluids shall be air-lifted pumped from the well. <br /> 2. Drilling fluids are to be held in containers provided by the Contractor for subsequent <br /> disposal. <br /> C. ' Chemical dispersant(as needed or as selected by Contractor): <br /> I. Use of drilling mud dispersant shall be at the discretion of the Contractor. i <br /> 2. if selected by Contractor, once residual drilling fluids have been removed from the well. <br /> the Contractor shall install a polymer drilling mud dispersant into the well. <br /> a. The dispersant shall be installed according to manufacturer's recommendations. <br /> D. Line Swabbing: <br /> I. After drilling mud dispersant(if selected by Contractor)has been installed in the well,the <br /> well shall be line swabbed throughout the perforated interval(s). Periodically, the <br /> Contractor shall remove from the well all sand,silt,and clay that have accumulated at the <br /> bottom. Swabbing in the perforated casing sections shall continue until no additional <br /> appreciable quantity of sand, silt, or clay have been washed through the screen. It is <br /> expected that swabbing and bailing of the screen intervals shall continue for a minimum <br /> of 12 hours or until sand silt and clay have been washed throughout the screen to the <br /> satisfaction of the Engineer. Upon completion of the procedure. the well shall be bailed <br /> clean of all accumulated sediment to its full depth. <br /> E. Completion of Well Development:The well shall be considered thoroughly developed when: <br /> I. The water produced reaches field-measured turbidity reading of<I NTU. <br /> 2. Accumulated fill shall be removed from well such that when sounded,the total well depth <br /> will be within 6 inches of the completion depth of the well. <br /> 3. Testing of the well indicates that formation damage (e.g. well bore skin) arising from <br /> drilling activities has been restored. <br /> 3.3 WELL TESTING <br /> A. Water Quality Testing of Completed Well: <br /> 1. Upon completion of the developed well, Engineer shall collect a representative sample of <br /> the well water and deliver it to a California FLAP certified laboratory for testing. <br /> 2. Cost for laboratory testing shall be at the expense of the Contractor. <br /> GRINDSTONE.JOE'S SUMMARY OF WORK June 25,2019 <br /> REPLACEMENT WELL 01 1100-9 <br />