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d. BUSINESS LICENSE: The applicant shall secure an approved Business License prior to the <br /> initiation of the use. (Section 7-1000 of the County Ordinance Code) <br /> e. BUILDING COVERAGE: The percentage of the total area of any lot which may be occupied by <br /> buildings and structures in the I-W (Warehouse) zone shall not exceed forty (40) percent. <br /> (Development Title Table 9-510.3) <br /> f. STORM DRAINAGE: Any additional stormwater drainage shall be retained on-site. The <br /> drainage pattern and corresponding storm drain improvements shall be shown on the Site Plan. <br /> Drainage calculations prepared by a registered civil engineer or architect shall be included. <br /> (Development Title Section 9-1135) <br /> g. PARKING: Off-street parking shall be provided and comply with the following: <br /> (1) All parking spaces, driveways, and maneuvering areas shall be surfaced and permanently <br /> maintained with base material of appropriate depth and asphalt concrete or Portland cement <br /> concrete to provide a durable, dust free surface. Bumper guards shall be provided when <br /> necessary to protect adjacent structures or properties. (Development Title Section 9- <br /> 1015.5[el) <br /> (2) A minimum-of 10 parking spaces shall be provided, including 1 van-accessible. Accessible <br /> spaces shall be located as close as possible to the primary entrance (C.C.R., Title 24) <br /> h. ACCESS AND CIRCULATION: The following access requirements apply and shall be shown on <br /> the-Site Plan: <br /> (1) Access driveways shall-have a width of no less than twenty-five (25) feet for two-way aisles <br /> arrd sixteen (16) feet for one-way aisles, except that in no case shall driveways designated as <br /> fire department access be less than twenty (20) feet wide). (Development Title Section 9- <br /> 1015.5(h)[1]) <br /> i. LIGHTING: Lighting shall be provided and comply with the following: <br /> (1) Parking lot and security lighting shall be installed. (Development Title Section 9-1015.5[g]) <br /> (2) Any lighting shall be designed to confine direct rays to the premises. No spillover beyond the <br /> property lines shall be permitted except onto public thoroughfares, provided, however, that <br /> such light shall not cause a hazard to motorists. (Development Title Section 9-1015.5[g][41) <br /> j. LANDSCAPING: Landscaping shall be provided and comply with the following: <br /> (1) Areas of the property which are not part of the project shall be barricaded from traffic and kept <br /> mowed and dust free. <br /> (2) A minimum ten (10)foot wide landscaped strip, respecting the ultimate right-of-way width of <br /> State Route 120 shall be installed across the frontage of the project site where development <br /> occurs(Development Title Section 9-1020.5). <br /> (3) One tree shall be required for each five(5) parking stalls, or portion thereof, and shall be evenly <br /> spaced throughout the parking lot(Development Title Section 9-1020.5). <br /> k. SCREENING: Screening shall be provided and comply with the following: <br /> (1) All storage materials and related activities, including storage areas for trash, shall be <br /> screened so as not to be visible from adjacent properties and public rights-of-way. Screening <br /> shall be six (6) to seven (8) feet in height. Items stored within one hundred (100) feet of a <br /> PA-0600190 (SA, RA) Conditions of Approval 2 <br />