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LIVE OAK BEO ENVIRONMENTAL <br /> Surface& Subsurface Contamination Report— The Arbor Mobile Home Perk, Acampe <br /> June 30, 2008 <br /> 1'3.2 Topographic Map <br /> A recent U.S. Geological Survey 7.5-minute topographic map was obtained from the San <br /> Joaquin County District Viewer. In the map, the Site is depicted as a mobile home park. <br /> The property is depicted approximately 60 feet above mean sea level in an area with a <br /> slight grade down to the west. Surrounding properties are primarily vineyards and <br /> rural residences,with a few commercial or industrial structures along Highway 99. This <br /> map is included in Appendix 3. <br /> / 4.0 SITE INSPECTION <br /> Abigail Racco of LOGE inspected the site on June 17, 2009. Photographs of the Site are <br /> attached to this report as Appendix 2. The site inspection was limited by structures, <br /> pavement, and vegetation obscuring the ground surface. No inspection of individual <br /> mobile home spaces was conducted besides viewing the units from the roadways. <br /> The Site consists of a mobile home park with a clubhouse, swimming pool, stormwater <br /> retention pond, sewage treatment and disposal area, and water treatment system. <br /> Minor oil staining to the asphalt parking spaces was observed throughout the park. No <br /> other staining was observed. <br /> One water well located on the north side of the parcel supplies the entire park, after the <br /> water is run through carbon filters at the treatment system. The well and water <br /> treatment areas appeared clean and well maintained. A destroyed well is located near <br /> the current well. A second destroyed well was observed on the east side of the Site. <br /> The septic treatment and disposal area appeared clean and dry. A small storage area <br /> was observed nearby; several buckets of paint and a reportedly empty drum were on the <br /> ground outside of a small structure. The stormwater retention pond was also dry; the <br /> north portion of the pond was heavily wooded and inaccessible. A tanker truck was <br /> observed parked adjacent to the stormwater pond. Two reportedly empty drums were <br /> observed beside the truck. <br /> Two groundwater monitoring wells were observed on the south side of the Site, and a <br /> third was observed on the adjacent property to the south. These wells appear to be for <br /> the purpose of monitoring any impacts to groundwater from the park septic system. <br /> Six pole-mounted transformers and seven pad-mounted transformers were observed <br /> within the park. No stickers indicating that the transformers are free of polychlorinated <br /> biphenyls (PCBs) were observed. The transformers did not appear to be leaking,though <br /> one appeared quite old. <br /> Surrounding properties included agricultural, residential, and commercial/industrial <br /> land. To the north and east were vineyards. To the northwest was an apartment <br /> C1 complex and vacant field. To the west was the Highway 99 Frontage Road, followed by <br />' a storage business (Arbor Secure Storage) and an empty lot. To the southwest, across <br /> 3 <br />