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March 21, 2017 5iAoo1u oo <br /> PEUX <br /> Dear Rodney, <br /> Please see the revised site plan and application for PA-1600194(UP). Revisions include reducing the number of <br /> proposed truck parking spaces from 91 spaces to 63 spaces.The applicant has requested a reduction in the required <br /> width for truck parking spaces from 15 feet to 12 feet in width, as well as a modification to the required landscaping <br /> from 10' along all property lines fronting a public roadway to varying widths (0'-25'). Please review and let me know if <br /> the revisions will result in revised conditions from your department. RECEIVED <br /> Thank you, <br /> AKAR 2 1 201? <br /> Megan Aguirre ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH <br /> 468-3144; meaeuirre@si¢ov.ore OERMIT/SERVICES <br />