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The third informational source is the Geotracker Site List from the State Water Resources <br /> Control Board for underground (USTs) and leaking underground fuel tanks (LUFTs). No <br /> USTs or LUFTs were noted on the Geotracker Site List. <br /> The fourth informational source is the 2003 Groundwater Lines of Equal Depth and <br /> Elevation Maps found in Appendix D illustrating the depth and directional flow of the <br /> underlying groundwater. The depth is approximately 20 ft MSL. Groundwater flow <br /> direction appears to be slightly in a northwesterly, then northerly direction. <br /> § 3.2 Description of all past on-site potential and/or known above and below ground sources of <br /> contamination identified at the project site would include nitrate, PCBs from electrical <br /> transformers, and agrichemical residues. As referenced, there was no analytical testing of <br /> any portion of the property. <br /> There is an extremely slight potential of DDT residual insecticide from farming operations <br /> that may have taken place on the property decades ago, although this is somewhat <br /> improbable due to the sandy soil, and inconsequential. Residual pesticide is <br /> inconsequential in my professional opinion because the vast majority of the property will <br /> remain in agricultural production. <br /> § 3.3 Description of all current on-site potential and/or known above ground and below ground <br /> sources of contamination identified at the project site include: No sources of current <br /> observable above-ground contamination. Subsurface contamination may be possible from <br /> the referenced sources, in addition to the on-site septic tank/leachfields, although this may <br /> be considered slight. Three, newer electrical transformers are on the property, as <br /> illustrated in the attached photographs. These transformers probably do not contain <br /> polychloride biphenyls (PCBs). If there was a leak or explosion, it would be the <br /> responsibility of the transformer owner to mitigate contamination. <br /> § 3.4 Description of all past off-site potential and/or known above and below ground sources of <br /> contamination identified in the area of the project site that has or may impact the project <br /> site includes: Information conveyed by the March 8, 2007 Envisions Program Documents <br /> illustrating no listings on or in proximity to the subject property. The two closest Leaking <br /> Underground Fuel Tanks (LUFTs) are approximately 2.5 miles to the south, which can both <br /> be considered upgradient to the subject property. These tanks and any leaking contents <br /> could not affect the property due to the distances involved. <br /> Agricultural spray drift (non-target) from the nearest agricultural production land affecting <br /> the property could be a possibility, since agricultural production occurs all around the <br /> subject property. The region has been, and continues to be intensely farmed, so nitrate <br /> contamination to the underlying groundwater from nitrogen fertilization is always a <br /> possibility. The agrichemical DBCP has been also detected in this locale. <br /> Page-4- <br /> Chesney Consulting <br />