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Two sources of information which attempt to document and define on-site and surrounding past land <br /> use were also utilized. The first is the use of aerial photographs. Aerial photographs of the area from <br /> 1970 through 1977 found on USDA Soil Maps reveal the property to be open land with the oak trees <br /> near Clements Road visible. No buildings, or changes in the land surface are noted. The USDA Soil <br /> Map shows the soil to consist of a Redding gravelly loam (#221). Typically, these soil types are <br /> moderately well-drained with very slow permeability. A indurated hardpan can be found in the <br /> subsoils which will impede septic effluent management in this soil type. The second source of <br /> 3. information can be found on USGS maps. The property is on the Clements Quadrangle map, which is <br /> found in the Appendix. Again, no buildings are noted on this USGS map, which dates back to 1963. <br /> Mr. Lange has provided a list of the agrichemicals applied to the subject vineyard. Applicable <br /> Environmental Fate Data that was available for materials that have been applied for the past three <br /> years can be found in Appendix C. The wine grapes are irrigated with water from a well north of <br /> Stampede Road. This well is located in the middle of a wine grape vineyard. The listed fertilizers are <br /> applied through the drip line irrigation system. This is referred to ass fert�n, which is a highly <br /> precise method of dosing fertilizers in prescribed amounts so that there is no runoff. There are <br /> backflow prevention devices on the wells and pressure breakers to prevent water with fertilizer <br /> concentrations from flowing back into the irrigation well. <br /> The science of pesticide residues in soil, air, surface water and groundwater is extremely complex and <br /> variable. Environmental models that attempt to predict pesticide behavior and transport in the <br /> environment are beyond the scope of this investigation. However;pesticides with long half-lives that <br /> may have been used or drifted onto the property decades ago,primarily DDT, may be of an extremely <br /> slight concern. DDT was used extensively throughout the agricultural fields of the San Joaquin <br /> Valley and degradates of DDT can be found in nearly all these soils. Previous Exposure Assessments <br /> made on typical San Joaquin Valley soils suggest an extremely low probability of adverse health <br /> effects from soil DDT/DDD and DDE concentrations (if the concentrations even exist). <br /> It can be reasonably concluded that any DDT, DDE and DDD concentrations will continue to degrade <br /> as reported in the published environmental fate data. The environmental fate data for DDT and its <br /> degradates DDD and DDE are illustrated below: <br /> DDT. Common name: Agritan, Anofex, Azotox, ct al. <br /> Half-lives in the environment: <br /> Air: 17.7 -177 h. <br /> Surface water: 73.9 h for a pond 1 m deep. Degradation half-life of about 10 yr-average from <br /> loss rates determined in Lake Michigan. <br /> Groundwater: 16 d to 31.3 yr. <br /> Sediment: 3 to 5 yr <br /> Soil: 2-15.6 yrs based on observed rates of biodegradation in aerobic soils under field <br /> conditions. Avg. half life of-12 yrs in 3 different soils for -50 ppm in soil. (conversion of <br /> p,p'-DDT to p,p'-DDE). <br /> Environmental Fate Rate Constants or Half-Lives: <br /> Volatilization: Half-life of 3.7 d for water depth of 1 m, from soil w/h-1 of.578 h <br /> Oxidation: Photooxidation half-life of 168-8400 h in water, 17.7-177 h in air <br /> Hydrolysis: Estimated first-order half life of 22 yr <br /> Biodegradation: Aqueous aerobic half-life of 2-15.6 yrs <br /> Page -4- <br /> Chesney Consulting <br />