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[6] CONCLUSIONS <br /> The traditional perc rate, the trench pump-in test result and the permeability test result on the soil <br /> from the 14 ft depth demonstrate that sumps or seepage pits must be used for the proposed septic <br /> system serving the new milk parlor. Additionally,the information obtained from the Environmental <br /> Health Department regarding the number of Application permits for seepage pits also indicates a <br /> need for this type of septic structure. <br /> The traditional perc test shows the water infiltrating and percolating initially at a slow rate and then <br /> increasing three-fold as the soil-water interface becomes wet. Since water has a great affinity for <br /> itself,percolation is promoted as the soil reaches field capacity. The final perc rate taken between <br /> 1115 and 1140 (25 min) exhibits a perc rate of 2.5 min/in. <br /> Trench pump-in test calculations demonstrate an acceptance rate (AR) in gals/sqft/day, as follows: <br /> 1. Length of trench= 12 ft <br /> 2. Width of trench= 1.5 ft <br /> 3. Depth of trench= 15 ft <br /> 4. Depth of water mantained in bottom of trench= 1.5 ft <br /> 5. Depth below bottom of trench at periphery of plume = 3 ft <br /> 6. Total water applied during test= 85 X 5 =425 gals <br /> 7. Extent of water plume area: water surface = 1.5 ft X 4.5 ft :. plume area is estimated to be: <br /> 7.5 ft X 10.5 ft= 78.8 sq ft. <br /> _ 8. Acceptance Rate (AR) =total flow absorbed= (area)(time) <br /> 9. AR=425 - (78.8)(3 hrs-24 hrs/day)=43.2 gals/sq ft/d <br /> The permeability test was conducted under ASTM D2434-84 with a constant-head permeameter. <br /> Test results found in the Appendix illustrate the sand strata at 14 ft to possess a coefficient of <br /> permeability of 0.0172 cm/s (49 ft/day). <br /> All three test results indicate excellent percolation within the referenced sand strata. The following <br /> calculations show leachline and pit/sump requirements: <br /> 1200 Base Tank Capacity (BTC) + 15 gal/person/shift X 2 shifts X 6 people = 180 average daily <br /> flow(ADF) = 1380 Calculated Tank Capacity (CTC) <br /> 1380 X 0.250=345 lineal feet of leachline. Therefore: two-one hundred foot leachlines may be used <br /> in conjunction with two 33 in. dia. X 18 ft. deep pits at the ends of each leachline: <br /> 200 lineal ft+ 2 X 60 ft leachline equivalent for two pits= 320 ft of leachline. <br /> If approved by the Environmental Health Department, sumps may be used instead of seepage pits. <br /> It is imperative that whichever structure is used, either the driller or the backhoe operator drill or <br /> excavate down into the referenced sand strata and continue through the strata. With an extend-a-hoe, <br /> this should be 18 ft below grade. With a drill rig,the boring should extend to at least 18 feet. It can <br /> be assumed that only a small percentage of the total effluent volume will percolate through the <br /> leachlines due to the clay soil at leachline depth. To facilitate leachfield percolation, the referenced <br /> hardpan layer should be breached during leachline emplacement. <br /> 3 <br /> Vaffey Ag JIVasearch <br />