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Excerpted from the San Joaquin Countv Airport Land Use Plan: <br /> Land Use Restrictions: <br /> Areas Under Horizontal and Conical Surfaces <br /> Reflective materials are not permitted to be used in structures or signs to <br /> avoid distracting pilots on the critical approach and departure phases of <br /> flight. <br /> No (radio) transmissions which would interfere with aircraft communications <br /> or navigation are permitted. <br /> Dumps, water retention ponds, and landfills are permitted only if they will <br /> not prevent a bird hazard to aircraft. <br /> Proposed communications towers and other very tall structures should be <br /> evaluated to ensure that they will not pose as aircraft hazards. <br /> Schools should be located away from present and future flight paths. <br /> No special construction standards are required unless the project is in a 60 dB <br /> CNEL or higher noise contour area. <br />