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Each of the four Nutrient Application Areas(NAA)under control of the Quaresma's which <br /> accept liquid nutrients exclusively are named as follows. These areas are illustrated on the <br /> attached Assessor's Parcel Maps and referenced on the soil/groundwater analytical report forms: <br /> OO Home Ranch-directly east of the dairy, consisting of three FIELDS "A,"`B"and"C"(160 Ac) <br /> ® Perrin Road Ranch- (PERR) SWC of Perrin Road and Union Road (160 Ac) <br /> OO Heifer Ranch(HR) - directly south of the Perrin Road Ranch(110 Ac) <br /> T Cardoza Ranch(CR) - directly west of the Heifer Ranch(84 Ac) <br /> To assess the main NAA soils from a chemical standpoint, samples were retrieved from Field A, <br /> Field C and the Perrin Road Ranch at depths of 1 ft, 2 ft, 3.5 ft 5 ft and 7.5 ft below existing <br /> grade. Sample Field"A" is referenced a FLDA, Field"C" as FLDC and Perrin Road Ranch as <br /> PERR on the SOIL ANALYSIS REPORTS. The majority of the soil profile indicates a low-to- <br /> very low nitrate-nitrogen content, with only the surface 1 ft soils of the Perrin Road Ranch being <br /> high in nitrogen. <br /> GROUNDWATER ANALYSIS <br /> In addition to the groundwater test results on the dairy barn well completed for the Soil <br /> Suitability Study, groundwater samples were obtained from the above-referenced soil borings to <br /> assess the top groundwater from a nitrate loading and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) standpoint. <br /> A summary of the results are as follows: <br /> FIELD NITRATE (NO3) TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS (TDS) <br /> Field A 121 ppm 920 ppm <br /> Field C 95 ppm 1765 ppm <br /> Perrin Rd Rch Below Detection Limits 1130 ppm <br /> The test results indicate nitrate concentrations that would normally be expected to be found at the <br /> first shallow groundwater, under intensely farmed soil. Surprisingly, no nitrate was detected <br /> under the Perrin Road Ranch soil and may be attributed to the higher clay content subsoils <br /> creating significant potential for denitrification. This is evidenced on the USDA NRCS Soil Map <br /> which illustrates gumbo clay areas within the Perrin Road Ranch (Symbol = e). <br /> SPECIFIC NITROGEN SOURCE CONSIDERATIONS <br /> LLthesite <br /> ative factors of any nitrate source identification procedure involves the assessment of <br /> ventory and identify all potential nitrate sources. This Study identifies all on-site <br /> rces which may contribute a certain percentage of the total amount of nitrate to the <br /> 5 <br /> Vafley sig research <br />