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rF <br /> nment. The nitrate loading potential of the subject facility originates from primarily four <br /> s: 1.) The corral areas - open corrals, covered loafing barns and the freestall barns. 2.) <br /> paration basins and wastewater holding pond, 3.) Septic system impacts and 4.)Nutrient <br /> ations to cropland. Each of the sources and their potential nitrate nitrogen concentration <br /> arescussed below: <br /> 1.) The Corral Areas: Freestall corrals theoretically contribute a small volume of nitrogen to <br /> the underlying soil due to the concrete-lined flush system which transports wastes from these <br /> corrals and very little waste from the cow is deposited within the freestall. In addition, since <br /> these corrals will be covered, there is virtually no hydraulic head from rainfall or other water <br /> sources which could drive the ammonium and nitrate molecules continually deeper into the soil. <br /> Although the loafing bams will not have stalls,they will also be covered, with flushed feed <br /> alleys. <br /> Two factors are of significant importance to nitrogen contribution and the mitigation of the <br /> potential for nitrate impact from the open corrals. The first mitigating factor concerns the <br /> sloping of the open corrals to manage rainwater runoff. Each corral is sloped 6% from the center <br /> to the ends to promote rainwater runoff into a sump. This water management technique reduces <br /> percolating water through the soil profile by preventing hydraulic head. Since the soil under the <br /> open corrals is composed of a clayey silt material, infiltration and permeability is impeded. <br /> The second and most important mitigating factor of restricting downward migration of nitrogen <br /> in the open corrals is the fact that Mr. Quaresma has imported co-gen fly ash and has lined each <br /> of the corrals with approximately one-foot of this material. This material will "set-up"after <br /> becoming wet to create very slow permeability properties, similar to concrete. <br /> 2.) Nutrient Containment Structures: The waste management system consists of three "cells" <br /> within one containment structure. A certain percentage of nitrogen entering this system will <br /> volatilize in the form of ammonia(NH3) or be adsorbed onto the clay soil particles lining the <br /> ponds as ammonium(NH4). An investigation by Sutton, (1983) suggests that a nitrogen loss <br /> from a holding pond system can range from 70%to 80%. The containment structure is long and <br /> narrow(2000 ft x 80 ft) and significant reduction in nitrogen content should be achieved since <br /> the hydraulic retention time (HRT) is comparatively long. <br /> The ponds can be considered predominately anaerobic. An aerobic environment is required for <br /> ammonium conversion to nitrate to occur. Conversion can only take place when the pond and <br /> basins are allowed to dry out. When the manure is excavated or draglined from the first cell, it is <br /> done as soon as feasible after the water is pumped out to impede nitrate conversion <br /> (nitrification). <br /> The second issue regarding the containment structures is the natural process of denitrification. <br /> This process takes place only in anaerobic environments such as saturated clay soils where the <br /> pore space volume is extremely small and pore space oxygen is readily consumed. It has been <br /> documented that nitrate concentrations in groundwater are low to non-existent around wastewater <br /> holding ponds that are composed of high clay content soils. Because of the tight indigenous on- <br /> site soils, denitrification may be promoted. <br /> 6 <br /> Na&l y Ag Research <br />