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have a width of no less than twenty-five(25)feet for two-way aisles and sixteen (16)feet for one-way <br /> aisles,except that in no case shall driveways designated as fire department access be less than twenty <br /> (20)feet wide. <br /> f. SCREENING: All storage materials and related activities, including storage areas for trash, shall <br /> be screened so as not to be visible from adjacent properties and public rights-of-way. Screening <br /> shall be six (6) to seven (7) feet in height. Outside storage is not permitted in front yards, street <br /> side yards, or in front of main buildings. (Development Title Section 9-1022.4[d][2]) <br /> g. SIGNS: Sign details shall be consistent with Chapter 9-1710 of the Development Title and be included <br /> on the Site Plan. All portions of any sign shall be set back a minimum of five (5) feet from any future <br /> right-of-way line, including any corner cut-off(snipe). (Development Title Section 9-1710.2[g]) <br /> h. CULTURAL RESOURCES: If, in the course of development, concentrations of prehistoric or historic- <br /> period materials are encountered, all work in the vicinity of the find shall halt until an archaeologist can <br /> evaluate the materials and make recommendations for further action. If human remains are <br /> encountered, all work shall halt in the vicinity and the County Coroner shall be notified immediately. At <br /> the same time, a qualified archaeologist shall be contacted to evaluate the finds. If Human burials are <br /> found to be of Native American origin, steps shall be taken pursuant to Section 15064.5(e) of <br /> Guidelines for California Environmental Quality Act. <br /> i. BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS: This project is subject to the California Building Code(CBC) <br /> and San Joaquin County Ordinance requirements will be applicable to the proposed project. The <br /> following conditions shall be addressed prior to submittal of a building permit application to the <br /> Building Inspection Division: <br /> 1. A building permit for each separate structure or building is required. Submit plans, <br /> Specifications and supporting calculations, prepared by a Registered Design Professional <br /> (architect or engineer) for each structure or building, showing compliance with the 2016 <br /> California Building, Existing Building, Mechanical, Plumbing, Electrical, Energy, and Fire Codes <br /> as may be applicable. Plans for the different buildings or structures may be combined into a <br /> single set of construction documents. <br /> 2. A grading permit will be required for this project. Submit plans and grading calculations, <br /> including a statement of the estimated quantities of excavation and fill, prepared by a <br /> Registered Design Professional. The grading plan shall show the existing grade and finished <br /> grade in contour intervals of sufficient clarity to indicate the nature and extent of the work and <br /> show in detail that it complies with the requirements of the code. The plans shall show the <br /> existing grade on adjoining properties in sufficient detail to identify how grade changes will <br /> conform to the requirements of the code. <br /> 3. The required plans must be complete at the time of submittal for a building permit. Plans must <br /> address building design and construction, fire and life safety requirements, accessibility and <br /> show compliance with the current California codes and San Joaquin County ordinances. A <br /> complete set of plans must include fire sprinkler plans, truss design submittals, metal building <br /> shop drawings, structural plan sand calculations, plumbing, electrical and mechanical drawings <br /> and energy report. <br /> 4. A soils report is required pursuant to CBC § 1803 for foundations and CBC appendix § J104 <br /> for grading.All recommendations of the Soils Report shall be incorporated into the construction <br /> drawings. <br /> 5. For each proposed new building, provide the following information on the plans: <br /> A. Description of proposed use <br /> B. Existing and proposed occupancy Groups <br /> PA-1900046—Conditions of Approval 2 <br />