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District CEQA Reference No: 20190892 Page 2 of 6 <br />particulate matter of 10 microns or less in size (PM10), or 15 tons per year of <br />particulate matter of 2.5 microns or less in size (PM2.5). <br />Recommended Mitigation Measure if needed: To reduce impacts from <br />construction related exhaust emissions, the District recommends feasible <br />mitigation for the project to utilize off-road construction fleets that can <br />achieve fleet average emissions equal to or cleaner than the Tier Ill <br />emission standards, as set forth in §2423 of Title 13 of the California Code <br />of Regulations, and Part 89 of Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations. This <br />can be achieved through any combination of uncontrolled engines and <br />engines complying with Tier Ill and above engine standards. <br />Operational Emissions: Permitted (stationary sources) and non-permitted <br />(mobile sources) sources should be analyzed separately. For reference, the <br />annual criteria thresholds of significance for operation of permitted and non- <br />permitted sources each are: 100 tons per year of carbon monoxide (CO), 10 <br />tons per year of oxides of nitrogen (N0x), 10 tons per year of reactive organic <br />gases (ROG), 27 tons per year of oxides of sulfur (S0x), 15 tons per year of <br />particulate matter of 10 microns or less in size (PM10), or 15 tons per year of <br />particulate matter of 2.5 microns or less in size (PM2.5). <br />Recommended Model: Project related criteria pollutant emissions from <br />construction and operation non-permitted (limited to equipment not subject to <br />District permits) should be identified and quantified. Emissions analysis <br />should be performed using CalEEMod (California Emission Estimator <br />Model), which uses the most recent approved version of relevant Air <br />Resources Board (ARB) emissions models and emission factors. CalEEMod <br />is available to the public and can be downloaded from the CalEEMod website <br />at: <br />1b)Nuisance Odors: The Project should be evaluated to determine the likelihood <br />that the Project would result in nuisance odors. Nuisance orders are subjective, <br />thus the District has not established thresholds of significance for nuisance <br />odors. Nuisance odors may be assessed qualitatively taking into consideration <br />of Project design elements and proximity to off-site receptors that potentially <br />would be exposed objectionable odors. <br />1c) Health Risk Screening/Assessment: A Health Risk Screening/Assessment <br />identifies potential Toxic Air Contaminants (TAC's) impact on surrounding <br />sensitive receptors such as hospitals, daycare centers, schools, work-sites, and <br />residences. TAC's are air pollutants identified by the Office of Environmental <br />Health Hazard Assessment/California Air Resources Board (OEHHA/CARB)