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r�� <br /> The well water test reveals 15 ppm nitrate. The Maximum Contaminant Level is 45 ppm. <br /> Considering the extensive agricultural production surrounding the property,this <br /> concentration would have been expected to be significantly higher, but given the clayey <br /> surface soils and subsoils, nitrate formation is mitigated through nitrification and nitrate that <br /> does form is readily denitrified in the clay soil. <br /> It is extremely unlikely and virtually impossible that any of the referenced ERS point-source <br /> sites could affect groundwater under the property. Additionally, there are no observable <br /> aboveground storage tanks (other than propane tanks), nor underground tank appurtenances <br /> on, or immediately surrounding the property. Therefore, it may be considered almost <br /> impossible that any tanks in this locale may affect the property because of the distances and <br /> groundwater directional flows involved. <br /> The ASTM E-1527-00 Document referenced on Page 2 refers to de minimus environmental <br /> conditions. De minimus conditions generally do not present a material risk to public health <br /> or to the environment and generally would not include an enforcement action if observed by <br /> the appropriate governmental agencies. De minimus conditions were not observed as noted <br /> in the photographic plates. Additionally, no spillage or dumping of hazardous materials was <br /> observed. <br /> Section 9-905.12 of San Joaquin County Development Title states"Corrective Action: If the <br /> report indicates there are surface and subsurface contamination,corrective action shall be <br /> recommended in the report and concurred with by Environmental Health prior to the <br /> issuance of the building permit." Therefore, it is my professional opinion that no corrective <br /> action needs to be taken with regards to the subject property. <br /> The property is surrounded by properties that engage in production agriculture. <br /> Consequences of this surrounding land use include: Noise, dust, odors, insects, machinery, <br /> spray equipment, crop-dusting aircraft, trucks, exhaust and other environmental effects that <br /> may be offensive to some people. It is recommended that bottled water be used for drinking <br /> and cooking purposes for people who live in rural environments. <br /> § 5.2 The Appendices, found in Section 7 incorporate all of the applicable information referenced <br /> in this Report. <br /> § 5.3 See below for signature and stamp. <br /> § 5.4 Ms. Lisa Jennings is currently in the process of submitting the Tentative Parcel Map. <br /> § 5.5 As referenced above,the Appendices contain the documentation to support the applicable <br /> data and information found in this Report. <br /> Page-6- <br /> Chesney Consulting <br />