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Present and future agricultural activities on nearby properties and in surrounding areas may <br /> contribute potential environmental concerns; however,this may be said of any agricultural <br /> operations or open ground. The property has not been under conventional cultivation; <br /> therefore,no pesticides, herbicides, and/or fertilizers have been recently applied. <br /> The second source of environmental information was the referenced documents from <br /> Environmental Records Search(ERS). These documents reveal environmental information <br /> obtained directly from listed public sources. The data indicates no environmental threat to <br /> the subject property within a one mile radius. <br /> The third informational source is the Geotracker Site List from the State Water Resources <br /> Control Board for underground storage tanks (USTs), leaking underground fuel tanks <br /> (LUFTs) and other contaminated sites. The Site List reveals no contaminated sites within a <br /> one mile radius of the property. <br /> Groundwater gradient flow is generally regarded to be in a northeast direction. There are <br /> no upgradient referenced contaminated sites, and contaminated sites substantially <br /> upgradient from the property may be considered too far and extremely unlikely to impact it. <br /> However,this does not preclude contaminated groundwater from flowing under the subject <br /> property from an unknown source. <br /> §3.2 Description of all past on-site potential and/or known above and below ground sources of <br /> contamination identified on the property include: 1.) There is no record of there being an above <br /> ground or underground permitted fuel storage tank(s) (ASTs/USTs)on the property. 2.)No <br /> observation was made of natural soil depression areas over the surface of the property, which <br /> may be indicative of buried material. 3.)No soil staining by hazardous materials was observed. <br /> 4.) There are three electrical transformers located on the property that indicate no oil leakage. <br /> The predominate wind direction through the region is to the east-southeast. West-northwest, <br /> or upgradient wind shed is composed of agricultural production land including pasture land, <br /> row crops and orchards. Agrichemicals cannot be applied during windy conditions,thus <br /> ensuring that the likelihood of impact to the property from unintended pesticide drift is <br /> extremely unlikely. <br /> Although DDT was banned in 1972, its presence in San Joaquin Valley soils is an indication <br /> of its long half-life of 15.6 years. Consequently, there may be extremely small <br /> concentrations of DDT and its degradates in the property soils from farming operations that <br /> may have taken place on the property, or from the upgradient wind shed. Any minute <br /> residual pesticide concentrations are inconsequential. <br /> §3.3 Description of all current on-site potential and/or known above ground and below ground <br /> sources of contamination identified at the project site are included in Section 3.2. No <br /> sources of current aboveground contamination were observed. <br /> Page -4- <br /> Chesney Consulting <br />