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volume of diesel fuel spillage near the diesel fuel tank and a small volume of oil leakage near the <br /> oil drums. The San Joaquin County Environmental Health Department should be contacted for <br /> information on how to dispose of small volumes of oil and diesel stained soil. <br /> An important concern associated with the environmental assessment of agricultural properties is <br /> the issue of buried pesticide containers. It was an occasional practice to dispose of containers by <br /> this method many years ago. Detection of these types of underground artifacts is difficult-to- <br /> impossible even with the use of ground penetrating radar or other types of non-intrusive, <br /> subsurface analyses. The land surface did not exhibit visual indicators for buried containers such <br /> as surfacing of product residue, soil mounding or soil depressions. <br /> The static groundwater is found approximately 80 feet under the property. This is considered a <br /> comparatively deep elevation. Groundwater at this depth is not easily impacted from pesticides <br /> or nitrogen in the form of nitrates. The on-site soils consist of a medium to high clay content soil <br /> which can attenuate agrichemical residue in comparison to a sandy soil. The groundwater <br /> directional flow appears to be towards the northeast. <br /> To evaluate agrichemical residues as a nonpoint source of potential contamination, pesticide <br /> records were obtained for the last two years. The science of pesticide residues in soil, air, surface <br /> water and groundwater is extremely complex and variable. Environmental models which attempt <br /> to predict pesticide behavior and transport in the environment are beyond the scope of this <br /> investigation. It has been clearly evident over the last five decades that the risk/benefit ratio <br /> regarding pesticides has been an overwhelming benefit and comparatively low risk to the United <br /> States population, as a whole. <br /> Environmental fate data for the following pesticides which were applied to the subject property <br /> was obtained from the Illustrated Handbook of Physical-Chemical Properties and Environmental <br /> Fate for Organic Pesticide Chemicals: <br /> Proponil. Common name: Super Wham. Selective emergence and post-emergence herbicide <br /> to control many grasses and broadleaf weeds in rice and other crops. Half lives in <br /> the environment: Groundwater and sediment: half-life of-10 d for 40,ug/ml. <br /> Surface water: Hydrolysis half life> 1 yr(pH 4, 7, 9 and phytolysis half-life <br /> under optimum exposure conditions to natural sunlight is approx. 12-13 hrs in <br /> aqueous solution. Soil: Half-life of 1-2 days for 30 ,ug/ml. <br /> Glyphosate. Common name: Roundup. Half-lives in the environment: Surface water: > 9 wks <br /> under adverse conditions. Groundwater: unknown. Soil: half-life of< 10 ug/ml to <br /> biodegrade in soil-water suspension, moderately persistent in soil with half-life of <br /> 20-100 d with avg half-life of less than 60 d. <br /> 3 <br /> @Q-ality Ontrol Inspection <br />