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b/ <br /> sealed with Teflon paper or foil and plastic endcaps, labeled, logged onto chain-of-custody forms <br /> and place in a chilled ice chest on crushed ice for transport to the laboratory. <br /> The boreholes will be continuously logged using the Unified Soil Classification System under <br /> the supervision of a professional geologist. Additional lithologic information will be collected as <br /> needed to describe the subsurface geology. Soil samples will be field screened with a portable <br /> photoionization detector(PID) for petroleum fuel hydrocarbon vapor and staining. <br /> Upon completion of the borehole drilling and collection of water samples, the boreholes will be <br /> backfilled with grout, placed from the bottom to top of the borehole per the permit requirements. <br /> 3.1 Field Methods - Groundwater Sampling from Open Boreholes <br /> Groundwater samples will be collected from each borehole. A brief summary of these <br /> procedures follows: Each borehole will be advanced into the aquifer and temporarily cased for <br /> sampling. Depth to groundwater measurements will be made in the borehole to the nearest one- <br /> one hundredth of one foot from surface grade, and also checked for the presence of separate <br /> phase product. The water entering the borehole will be sampled using a clean disposable PVC <br /> bailer, and carefully poured into the appropriate laboratory prepared container with minimum <br /> cavitation. Each water sample will be labeled, logged onto a chain-of-custody form, and placed <br /> in a chilled ice chest on crushed ice for transport to the laboratory. <br /> All soil cuttings, decontamination and cement mixing water and consumable items used in <br /> sampling will be left in labeled 55-gallon closed top drums. The drums will be left at the Client- <br /> specified location. <br /> 5.0 Chemical Analysis <br /> Up to ten (10) soil samples will be analyzed at Kiff Analytical LLC, a State-certified analytical <br /> laboratory in Davis, California. All samples will be tested for the following; Total Petroleum <br /> Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPHG) and Diesel (TPHD), Benzene (B), Toluene (T), Ethylbenzene <br /> (E), Xylene (X), using EPA Methods 3510/8015, and 8260/8260B. The analyses will be <br /> performed and a"normal"ten-day turnaround. <br /> 6.0 Report <br /> A summary report of the findings of this site investigation will be prepared for submittal to the <br /> City and PHS/EHD and RWQCB Region 5. The report will include the field methods, permits, <br /> exploratory boring logs, chemical analytical data, site map, geologic cross section, a brief site <br /> conceptual model and report narrative on subsurface conditions and contaminant extent and the <br /> need for further work. The PHS/EHD will review the results of this study and need for <br /> groundwater monitoring well installation and quarterly monitoring for this site. The reports will <br /> be prepared in both hard copy, and electronic format for submittal to the Geotracker system. <br />