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i <br /> Four exploratory borings (B-1, B-2, B-3 and B4) were drilled and sampled in April 2003 around <br /> the former underground tank pit at the Wastewater Plant. The soil samples collected showed that <br /> contaminants were not detected. Groundwater samples showed very low levels of dissolved <br /> TPHD, with one relatively elevated level of 33,000 micrograms per liter(ug/1) TPHD in B-2 in a <br /> downgradient location. BTEX, MTBE and related oxygenates were not revealed in any <br /> groundwater sample. <br /> On the basis of this data collected for this study, limited leakage from the former underground <br /> tank had occurred, and is attributed to overspill. The dissolved plume has migrated a short <br /> distance downgradient of the former tank pit to the north-northwest. <br /> Scope of Work <br /> 2.0 2000-foot Radius Well Survey and Sensitive Receptor Survey <br /> Wright will perform a 2000-foot radius search for wells around the Wastewater soil borings site. <br /> The search will use the available information from the Department of Water Resources files and <br /> City of Tracy and County files to document municipal, domestic, agricultural, industrial and <br /> other wells. The information will be compiled into a summary table together with a map <br /> showing the well locations. Additional information will include a brief review of potential <br /> sensitive receptors in the area. <br /> 3.0 Field Methods—Drilling and Sampling Exploratory Borings <br /> Exploratory borings will be drilled at the locations shown on Figure 1. Drilling permits will be <br /> secured from SJC/EHD, and the above referenced underground utility clearance will be <br /> performed prior to doing the fieldwork. The soil borings will be advanced to a depth of about 20 <br /> to 25 feet but not below the aquitard. Soil borings will be drilled at the following locations: <br /> • One boring to resample at the B-2 location. <br /> • One boring approximately 20 feet northwest of the B-2 location. <br /> • One boring north of the B-1 location. <br /> • One boring south of the B-3 location. <br /> • One boring east of the B-4 location. <br /> The boreholes will be drilled with truck mounted :GeoProbe direct-push drilling equipment. All <br /> drilling equipment and sampling tools will be cleaned prior to arriving, between each sampling <br /> borehole and before leaving the site. The probe will collect continuous cores of soil in each <br /> borehole. The sampler will then be retrieved and dissembled and soil sample intervals retained <br /> for chemical analysis will be cut from the liners at the desired depths. Each soil sample will be <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br /> I <br />