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being analyzed for solvents and other halogenated hy4rocarbons Since those compounds are <br /> 40 common chemicals used in paints, dry cleaning solvents, newspaper printing, and other industrial <br /> uses and are not present in gasoline, we concluded in 1997 that Valley Motors was probably not <br /> the source of these compounds Rather, the source is more likely to be the Stockton Record <br /> newspaper company or one of the paint companies or dry cleaners that are located to the west <br /> (upgradient) of the Valley Motors site <br /> In VM-6, the TPH-g concentration declined 71% between January and June, and by November it <br /> had declined to less than the detection limit This represents a minimum decline of 77% for the <br /> year <br /> The changes were somewhat different in VM-2, VNO-4, and VM-7 The TPH-g and benzene <br /> concentrations in VM-2 declined 16% and 20% (respectively) between January and June and <br /> then by another 99 8% between June and November However, a TPH-d concentration of 9,680 <br /> µg/1 (ppb) was reported (as noted above, the chromatogram was not typical of diesel fuel and <br /> probably represents degraded gasoline instead Hence, substituting the TPH-d value for the TPH- <br /> g value yields a decline between June and November of 90% and a total decline of 91% for the <br /> year) Regardless of whether the TPH-g or TPH-d value is used, the decline is so large that it is <br /> more likely due to differences in the volume of water that was purged from the well than to real <br /> declines in concentration <br /> T <br /> In VM-4 and VM-7, the January-June declines were 50% and 84%, respectively, but <br /> concentrations increased in both wells between June and November In VM-4, there was nearly a <br /> 10-fold increase in concentration, and the reported value was more than 4 times gi eater than had <br /> been detected in any previous sample ftom this well Similar results were obtained for the BTEX <br /> compounds These high concentrations seem rather anomalous, and it remains to be seen whether <br /> they will be confirmed in subsequent samples from the well <br /> In VM-7, the TPH-g concentration increased by about 33%, but the BTEX concentrations were <br /> essentially unchanged between June and November These results appear more reasonable than <br /> those for VM-4 <br /> 5.0 REMEDIATION ACTIVITIES <br /> The vapor extraction unit and vapor line were installed in the first quarter of 2005 The <br /> application to install a temporary propane tank was approved in the second quarter, and the tank <br /> was mobilized to the site in November and connected to the vapor extraction unit in preparation <br /> for the start of operation The extraction unit was started in late November but attempts to reach <br /> optimum vapor destruction temperatures were unsuccessful due to a faulty solenoid Minor <br /> repairs will be performed in early December and remediation is anticipated to begin by the <br /> middle of the month Information on the start-up and initial operation of the system will be <br /> included in the Fourth Quarter Report, which will be prepared after groundwater and vapor <br /> samples are collected in late December or early January <br /> 4 <br />