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i <br /> 4 0 RESULTS <br /> 4 1 Depth to Groundwater and Hydraulic Gradient <br /> The depth to groundwater on January 27 was between 37 and 38 feet, which is one foot greater <br /> than the depth in June 2004 (Table 1) Most of the wells are 40 feet deep, meaning that less than <br /> 3 feet of water were present in each well The calculated elevation of the water table is <br /> approximately 22 feet below sea level <br /> Figure 3 illustrates the hydraulic gradient and general direction of groundwater flow As in <br /> previous quarters the contours indicate that the prezometric surface slopes eastward <br /> 4 2 Analytical Results <br /> Hydrocarbon concentrations in January xNere quite similar to those measured in June 2004 in <br /> most wells although Total Petioleum Hydrocarbon concentrations increased Volatile aromatic <br /> concentrations (benzene toluene, etc ) remained in the range of 1-3 parts per billion (micrograms <br /> per liter), but TPH-g concentrations increased by 10% or more (Table 2) The laboratory report <br /> noted that the TPH-g chromatograms differed fiorn standard gasoline chromatograms The <br /> laboratory has noted this in previous samples as well, such as in June 2004 One possibility rS <br /> that the gasoline has degraded somewhat and is skewed toward the heavy hydr ocarbon range In <br /> VM-3, for instance, TPH-g concentrations have been above 100 ppb on several occasions but <br /> BTEX compounds have not been detected Another possibility is that non-gasoline hydrocarbons <br /> • are present Chlorinated hydrocarbons, typically used in cleaning solvents,were detected in <br /> samples that were collected in 1996 and 1997 Currently, solvents are not part of the analytical <br /> protocol practiced at the site <br /> 5 0 REMEDIATION ACTIVITIES <br /> Installation of the soil vapor extraction system was delayed in the second half of 2004 due to <br /> delays in receiving payment and reimbursement from the State Underground Tank Cleanup Fund <br /> Piogram Some of the financial problems were resolved late in the year,,and a thermal oxidation <br /> extraction system was mobilized to the site on February 3, 2005 A crane was hired to unload the <br /> equipment which was placed next to the garage building in the southwest corner of the site in the <br /> drum storage area An electrical panel for controlling the equipment was previously installed in <br /> this area during the second quarter of 2004, and Pacific Gas & Electric Company connected it to <br /> the existing power grid in January 2005 The area is enclosed by the perimeter fencing around the <br /> site so no additional enclosure has been constructed <br /> 5 0 CONCLUSIONS <br /> Groundwater monitoring in the first quarter of 2005 supports the data collected in 2003 and 2004 <br /> eegarding the direction of groundwater flow and the extent of groundwater contamination Both <br /> 3 <br />