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collect samples to confirm the vapor results The results of the investigation were presented in the <br /> Soil Assessment Report prepared by Upgradient in April 1998 Subsequently, one of the borings <br /> was converted to groundwater monitor well VM-4 <br /> In August 1999, Upgradient installed two remediation test wells within the mapped zone of soil <br /> contamination However, no hydrocarbons were detected in any of the soil samples collected from <br /> these wells One of the wells (VT-1) was screened with 4-inch PVC casing from 15 to 30 feet for <br /> future use in soil vapor extraction testing The other well (SW-1), was screened with 2-inch PVC <br /> casing from 29 5 to 31 5 feet for potential use as an air sparging well <br /> Groundwater monitoring, which began after the installation of VM-1 and has been conducted on a <br /> regular quarterly schedule since June 1998, has shown that VM-1 and VM-2 are consistently <br /> impacted with gasoline and VM-3 and VM-4 are occasionally impacted It has thus been apparent <br /> that the contamination extends off site, but difficulties in obtaining an Encroachment Permit from <br /> the City of Stockton to drill on City property north and west of the site have prevented attempts to <br /> further delineate the extent of contamination until recently The necessary pernlits were obtained in <br /> March 2003, and four wells were drilled in April This report presents the results of that work, as <br /> well as the results of groundwater monitoring activities that took place after the new wells were <br /> installed <br /> 3.0 PROCEDURES <br /> 3.1 Drilling and Sampling <br /> V&W Drilling mobilized a hollow-stem auger drilling rig to the site on April 1 and drilled three <br /> borings The fourth boring (VM-8) was drilled on April 15, after Underground Services Alert was <br /> re-contacted to confirm that no underground utilities were present at the proposed location <br /> Three of the borings (VM-b, VM-7, and VM-8) were drilled to a depth of 40 feet and sampled at 5- <br /> foot intervals (Figure 2) Boring logs (Appendix A) were prepared during drilling, and the borings <br /> were terminated within the low-permeability silty clay that underlies the first aquifer at the site <br /> This aquifer consists of fine to coarse-grained sand The top of this bed varies in depth from less <br /> than 15 to more than 20 feet in various borings, but the base is generally near 33 feet However, in <br /> VM-5 the base was at 30 feet, therefore, this boring was terminated at 35 feet <br /> A faint hydrocarbon odor was detected in some samples from VM-7 during drilling, and four <br /> samples were preserved for laboratory analysis No odors were evident in the other borings, so only <br /> samples near and below the soil-water interface were preserved from these borings A total of ten <br /> samples weie transported to Excelchem Environmental Laboratory for analysis <br /> r <br /> 3.2 Groundwater Monitoring and Surveying <br /> The depth to groundwater was measured and water samples were collected on April 15 The wells <br /> were opened and allowed to equalize with atmospheric pressure before the depth to groundwater <br /> 3 <br />