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was measured Depth measurements were recorded on the Well Monitor Report (Appendix B) <br /> Because the water depth was 35 feet or more, well VM-5 was dry <br /> The wells were purged after the water depth was measured Due to the low static water level, most <br /> wells purged poorly or went dry after Just a few gallons were pumped However, at least 25 gallons <br /> were pumped from VM-2 in an effort to determine whether purging this well more thoroughly <br /> would remove accumulated hydrocarbons and yield a lower concentration that might be more <br /> representative of true concentrations in the aquifer The purged water was stored in 55-gallon drums <br /> in the southwest corner of the property <br /> Water samples were collected from all wells except VM-5 Two 40-m1 vials were collected from <br /> each, labeled, and placed in a cooled ice chest The samples were later transported to Excelchem <br /> Environmental Laboratory for analysis The laboratory report is included in Appendix C <br /> The new wells were surveyed on April 17' The casing elevations were then used to determine the <br /> elevation of the static water level in each well When the data were contoured, the gradient from <br /> VM-7 to VM-1 appeared to be anomalously steep, suggesting that there was an error in the survey <br /> data for VM-7 This well was re-surveyed on April 28, and the elevation was within 0 01 of a foot <br /> of the previous measurement Hence, the anomalously steep gradient is apparently real The results <br /> are discussed further below <br /> 4.0 RESULTS <br /> 4.1 Depth to Groundwater and Hydraulic Gradient <br /> The depth to groundwater on April 15 was between 35 and 36 feet, and was just a few inches <br /> shallower than when the wells were last monitored on November 20, 2002 (Table 1) The <br /> calculated elevation of the water table is approximately 20 feet below sea level <br /> Figure 3 illustrates the hydraulic gradient and general direction of groundwater flow In previous <br /> reports we have noted that the contours form an arcuate pattern and slope eastward The high <br /> water level in VM-8 makes this eastward arc even more pronounced, because the elevation in <br /> VM-8 is higher than in any other boring except for VM-7 This was not expected, based on prior <br /> mapping, the location for VM-8 was thought to be downgradient of the dispenser island at Valley <br /> Motors, and perhaps downgradient of VM-4 and/or VM-2 <br /> Assuming that the groundwater elevation data for VM-Y and VM-7 are correct, the hydraulic <br /> gradient west of M-1 is 0 016 ft/ft This is relatively steep, and is 4 times as steep as the gradient <br /> between VM-1 and VM-4 (0 004 ft/ft) Although elevation anomalies do occur in paved areas, <br /> such a large difference over such a small distance is unusual If the anomaly is real, one possible <br /> explanation is that water might be leaching into the ground from a nearby underground utility <br /> line, raising the water level in VM-7 In this regard, a city sewer line is present within a few feet <br /> of this well As noted in previous reports, a sewer odor has frequently been noted in the <br /> . groundwater purged from VM-2, so the possibility of a sewer leak is real Another possible <br /> 4 <br />