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• higher in VM-2, while those in VM-3 and VM-4 changed only slightly The reason(s) for this <br /> variation is unknown, perhaps it is related to purging by the surge-and-purge method rather than <br /> the pumping method that has been used previously (in the pumping method, a larger volume of <br /> water is removed) The laboratory noted that the chromatogram for VM-4 is atypical of gasoline, <br /> and is due mainly to one or two discrete peaks within the gasoline range Perhaps these peaks are <br /> due to the presence of a non-gasoline compound, such as a chlorinated hydrocarbon, several of <br /> these have been detected in VM-1 and VM-2 in the past <br /> 5.4 CONCLUSIONS <br /> A slight change in the hydraulic gradient was observed this quarter The groundwater flow <br /> direction was not uniformly eastward Rather, due to a slightly elevated water level in VM-4, a <br /> shallow trough was present in the water table, and convergence of flow apparently resulted in a <br /> prevailing flow direction to the southeast This is likely to be a transient effect, and groundwater <br /> will probably return to the predominant direction during the fourth quarter <br /> No progress was made in obtaining the necessary encroachment permit to drill in the City of <br /> Stockton sidewalks As soon as Valley Motors provides the necessary documentations that <br /> performance bonds and insurance are in place, Upgradient will move forward with submitting the <br /> drilling application <br /> • <br /> 4 <br />