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• collect samples to confirm the vapor results. The results of the investigation were presented in the <br /> Soil Assessment Report prepared by Upgradient in April 1998 Subsequently, one of the borings <br /> was converted to groundwater monitor well VM-4 <br /> In August 1999, Upgradient installed two remediation test wells within the mapped zone of soil <br /> contamination However, no hydrocarbons were detected in any of the soil samples collected from <br /> these wells One of the wells (VT-1) was screened with 4-inch PVC casing from 15 to 30 feet for <br /> future use in soil vapor extraction testing The other well (SW-1), was screened with 2-inch PVC <br /> casing from 29 5 to 315 feet for potential use as an air sparging well <br /> 3.0 QUARTER ACTIVITIES <br /> 3.1 Purge Water Disposal <br /> Warren Gomes Excavating mobilized a vacuum truck to the site on July 27 and pumped <br /> approximately 350 gallons of purged groundwater from the 55-gallon drums that have accumulated <br /> at the site The water was transported to In-Strat, Inc , a water treatment and disposal facility in <br /> Davis, California, where it was treated and disposed of in accordance with In-Strat's permit A copy <br /> of the transport ticket is included in Appendix A <br /> i <br /> 3.2 Groundwater Monitoring <br /> i <br /> The depth to groundwater was measured and water samples were collected on September 28, 2000 <br /> The wells were opened and allowed to equalize with atmospheric pressure before the depth to <br /> groundwater was measured Depth measurements were recorded on the Well Monitor Report <br /> (Appendix B) and are shown in Table 1 After water depths were measured, a battery-operated <br /> bladder pump was used to purge the wells of standing water The wells were purged until <br /> conductivity and temperature stabilized or until the wells went dry(Appendix B) As in the past,the <br /> water purged from VM-2 was the color of "gray water", and a sewer odor was present Purged <br /> water was stored in a DOT-approved drum in the southwest corner of the site <br /> After purging, samples were collected from each well Two 40-m1 vials were collected from each, <br /> labeled, and placed in a cooled ice chest The samples were later transported to Excelchem <br /> Environmental Laboratory for analysis The laboratory report is included in Appendix C <br /> 4.0 RESULTS <br /> 4.1 Depth to Groundwater and Groundwater Gradient <br /> The depth to groundwater on September 28 averaged 32 feet (Table 1), which places the static <br /> water level at or slightly below the contact between the aquifer sand and the underlying clay bed <br /> At this depth, the water level is still 13 feet above the screened interval in VM-1, VM-2, and <br /> • 3 <br />